What part of the plant helps absorb nutrients from the ground?
Can you name a berry?
Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, elderberry, etc.
Can you name 2 or more edible leafy greens?
Kale, Spinach, lettuce, bok choi, arugula, etc.
What insects can sometimes produce honey?
What can you put in a garden that isn't vegetables?
Flowers, fruit, trees, bushes, etc.
What part of the plant attracts pollinators?
What is a melon people like to eat in the summer at picnics?
What is a root vegetable that is typically orange, but can also be purple, white, yellow, and pink?
What creature has no eyes, comes out when it rains, and has 5 hearts?
What are some things you need to do to help a garden grow and be healthy?
Water, pull weeds, mulch, etc.
What part of the plant collects sunlight?
What is a green fruit with 1 big seed, that you might have in a taco or guacamole?
What is a root you can eat?
Carrot, beet, turnip, potato, yams, parsnips, etc.
What bug likes to roll into balls?
Rollie Pollies / Pill Bugs / Sew Bugs
What do you find on the inside of a fruit that helps the fruit reproduce?
(Hint - you don't eat them!)
What part of the plant carries water from the roots to the top?
What fruit grows on trees, has many different kinds, and is picked in the fall?
What is a vegetable that grows on stalks and is usually yellow and white?
Can you name an example of a pollinator?
Butterflies, bees, birds, bugs, etc.
What is the process that plants use to make food out of sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil?
What are the four things plants need to survive?
What is the sun, soil, air, and water?
What fruit has seeds on the outside?
What vegetable grows in layers and is kind of smelly?
What insects that are colorful and taste with their feet?
What flower produces edible seeds?