"I'll probably forget. Send me an ____."
What is an email?
You stare at a student talking. You ask them to stop. They say ____.
What is I wasn't even talking?
Term students used to say someone eats alot.
What is big back?
The number of Golden Rings in the 12 days of Christmas song.
What is s five?
W. H. Gaston stands for ___.
What is William Henry?
(To student) "No, you can't _________ right now."
What is go to the bathroom?
Someone throws a paper ball. THAT kid says __.
What is it wasn't me?
Phrase students use that means to go crazy or lose it.
What is crashout?
The twelfth letter of the alphabet.
What is L?
The branch of military W.H. Gaston served.
What is the army?
POV: It's Tuesday. "I'm ready for ____."
What is Friday?
Name used when an object is thrown and lands in the correct spot.
Who is Lebron James?
Another way to describe someone's charisma or ability to pick up/charm a person.
What is rizz?
The name of the item at the end of a shoelace.
What is aglet?
What is W. H. Gaston Junior High?
(During staff meeting) "This should ______."
What is should have been an email?
Term that means to pay attention or focus.
What is lock in?
A term that means in trouble or done for.
what is cooked?
The number of colors in a rainbow.
What is seven?
The year this building opened.
what is 1954?
(To students) "Please, keep your ____."
What is hands to yourself?
A phrase meaning someone did something impressive or extremely well.
What is ate that up?
Term used to describe anyone listening.
What is chat?
The type of fish that Nemo is.
What is clown fish?
The total number of claws a panther has.
What is 18 claws? (5 front, 4 hind)