Name That Organ!
You Are Going To Do What?!
Goal Oriented
You Have Serious Issues!
Give Me Drugs!!
My location is in the upper left portion of the abdominal cavity. I produce mucus, intrinsic factor, hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen and gastrin from cells within my walls to further break down food into a substance called chime.
What is the stomach.
This is performed to obtain images of soft tissue to indicate changes. Used to diagnose gallstones, tumors, and cysts.
What is an ultrasound.
Fluid volume will be within normal limits within 48 hours as evidenced by adequate urine output.
What is Fluid Volume Deficit.
These two psychological disorders can lead to starvation and death. It is very common amongst young women.
What are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
These medications neutralize stomach acid. Nursing implications: watch for signs of constipation, allow one hour before administering another drug, and use cautiously in patients with renal issues.
What are antacids. (Maalox, Mylanta, Amphogel)
I am feeling left out! Even though I am attached to the cecum, my function is still unknown! Can I please get some love?!
What is the appendix.
This is usually done to visualize the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. But you have to make sure the patient has a gag reflex prior to giving them anything p.o. after this is done.
What is an esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
Patient will learn new coping techniques within 3 weeks.
What is Ineffective coping.
This is a generalized inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth. It can be caused by trauma, poor oral hygiene, and certain drugs.
What is stomatitis.
These medications suppress acid secretion by blocking receptors on parietal cells. You always want to "dine" with these!
What are Histamine or H2 receptor antagonists. (Cimetidine-Tagamet, Famotidine-Pepcid, Ranitidine-Zantac)
Water and electrolytes are reabsorbed here and the elimination of wastes occurs here as well. The cool part about me is that I am heavily populated with bacteria! Awesome!
What is the large intestine.
This test provides better contrast than cat scans. But if a patient has metal in their body they can't have this done.
What is an MRI.
Patient will verbalize factors that contribute to ulcer formation.
What is knowledge deficit.
This occurs when there is relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter. This relaxation allows fluids or food to go back up into the esophagus.
What is Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD).
These medications, also, suppress secretion of gastric acid. You will be on a "zole" if you take these medications!
What are Proton Pump Inhibitors. (Omeprazole-Prilosec, Lansoprazole-Prevacid, Pantoprazole-Protonix, Esomeprazole-Nexium)
The digestive process starts with me!! This is where mastication occurs so that food can be broken down into smaller pieces. Just don't talk while this is going on!!
What is the mouth.
This test is done to directly visualize the lining of the colon with a flexible endoscope. But the bowel prep for this test can be a real blow out!
What is a colonoscopy.
Patient will have regular bowel move regularly within 2 weeks.
What is constipation.
This is an inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. It is caused by intake of contaminated food or water. The Norwalk virus is a common cause.
What is Gastroenteritis.
This antimicrobial medication is the drug of choice for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Nursing implications: report hematuria, do not crush tablets, monitor for diarrhea.
What is Clarithromycin (Biaxin).
If it weren't for the villi on my walls, digested food particles would not be absorbed. But I tell you, all this peristalsis is making me dizzy!
What is the small intestine.
This test visualizes soft tissue through "slicing" pictures so that the soft tissue is viewed in sections. During this test, the patient may be asked to hold their breath.
What is a CT or computed tomography.
Patients potassium level will be within normal limits in 24 hours.
What is Electrolyte imbalance.
Sometimes this issue is drug induced, with aspirin and BC powder being the most common drugs. If this worsens, it can lead to Gastrointestinal bleeding.
What is a peptic ulcer.
This antimicrobial medication kills amebas and Trichomonas. It is also the drug of choice for Clostridium difficile (C. diff). Nursing implications: teach patients not to drink alcohol during or for 48 hours after taking this med, monitor for neurotoxicity, and it increases the action of anticoagulants.
What is Metronidazole (Flagyl).