Un ingrediente del pan y la masa. Es blanca.
la harina
the sweet ice cream cone
el cono dulce
El Chorizo
When do we use commands?
We use commands when giving directions or telling someone what to do.
What conjugation form in the present tense do we use when forming negative commands?
The Yo Form
los pimientos muy picantes
los chiles
a frozen fish
un pescado congelado
An appetizer or snack in Spanish cuisine
Las Tapas
Conjugate: to mix→Mix!
Conjugate: to take→Don't take!
¡No tomes!
_______ es una fruta tropical. Es marrón.
un coco
the salty potatoes
las patatas saladas
La Paella
a rice dish made with meat, seafood, beans, vegetables, and saffron
Conjugate: to enjoy→Enjoy!
Conjugate: to go→Don't go!
¡No vayas!
_______ sazonan toda la comida.
las especias
the well done meat
la carne bien cocida
a corn pancake with bean and cheese or meat filling
Las Pupusas
Conjugate: to go→Go!
Conjugate: to search→Don't search!
¡No busques!
_____ es el ingrediente principal en las tamales.
la masa (harina)
the healthy avocados
los aguacates sanos (saludables)
El Bocadillo
a sandwich made with Spanish bread, usually a baguette, cut lengthwise
Conjugate: to try→Try it! (masc)
Conjugate: to use→Don't use it! (masc)
¡No lo uses!