When you do well in a speedrun, you may achieve a "PB", which is an acronym of this.
What is a Personal Best?
This beloved video game character is "shaped like a friend"
Who is Kirby?
When a player is likely the impostor in popular game "among us", they are referred to as this.
What is sus?
In Japan, this is the name of the original Nintendo Entertainment System
This is the ironically terrible former name of GATO
What is The League of Extraordinary Gamers?
The BLJ is an acronym for this technique, commonly used in speedruns of Mario 64.
What is the Backwards Long Jump?
These are the ghosts from hit arcade game "Pac-Man"
Who are Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and Clyde?
This issue with a catchy name was the cause of many early Xbox 360 failures.
What is the red ring of death?
This deity is recorded as being a supporter of GATO
Who is Jesus?
The strafe jump is an advanced technique used in many different first person shooters, but it originated in this classic title.
What is Quake?
Nicknamed "Tails", This is the full name of Sonic The Hedgehog's iconic sidekick.
Who is Miles Prower?
Spell "Innocent" backwards
Despite being released for the Nintendo Switch in 2019, This title was promised to never release on a Nintendo system.
What is Night Trap?
According to the GATO Constitution, This is the year in which the club was founded.
What is 2013?
The Metal Gear series is no stranger to good music, but what was the title of the bond-esque theme from the third game?
What is Snake Eater?
When you go to an arcade and pick Zangief or Potemkin, you are playing as this character archetype
What is a grappler?
The Solid and Liquid differentiation between the two Davids originates from this Playstation classic.
What is Metal Gear Solid
This short-lived European game console was unique due to its integrated screen and vector-based graphics.
What is the Vectrex?
This is the smallest gamer
Who is Elizabeth Whitaker?
Daisuke Ishiwatari wrote the music, produced the art, and designed a large percentage of this popular fighting game franchise.
What is Guilty Gear?
The only Nintendo character to have canonically smoked marijuana and fought space pirates
Who is Olimar?
This true fact explains why sometimes a friend's copy of this game feels oddly different to yours.
Why is every copy of Mario 64 personalized?
This ill-advised handheld game system was also a fully functional cell phone.
What is the Nokia N-gage
This woman with two first names is the original founder of GATO
Who is Mandi Kristina?