This character is the first to reveal the history of Daisy and Gatsby's relationship to Nick.
Who is Jordan Baker?
This is the section of New York where Nick and Gatsby live.
What is West Egg?
The 1920s were known as "The Roaring Twenties", and this other nickname.
What is The Jazz Era?
“Civilization’s going to pieces...It’s up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out or these other races will have control of things.”
Who is Tom Buchanan?
The Valley of Ashes
Downfall of society/poor or working class struggles
This character is having an affair with Myrtle Wilson.
Who is Tom Buchanan?
This is the nickname of the area where you can find the billboard of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg.
What is the Valley of Ashes?
As mentioned in chapter 4, this Major League Baseball was bribed to throw the 1919 World Series.
Who are the Chicago White (Black) Sox?
“All right...I’m glad it’s a girl...And I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”
The billboard of T. J. Eckleburg
Being watched/being looked down upon
This acquaintance of Gatsby's fixed the 1919 World Series.
Who is Meyer Wolfsheim?
This is the section of New York associated with "Old Money."
What is East Egg?
This man was one of F. Scott Fitzgerald's literary rivals.
Who is Ernest Hemingway?
“I decided to go east and learn the bond business. Everybody I knew was in the bond business, so I supposed it could support one more single man.”
Who is Nick Carraway?
The Green Light
Gatsby's desires/dreams
Gatsby frequently uses this phrase to refer to any other character.
What is Old Sport?
Nick Carraway was born in this state
What is Minnesota?
This amendment outlawed the purchase of alcohol in the United States.
What is the 18th?
“He’s the man who fixed the World Series back in 1919.”
Who is Jay Gatsby?
Gatsby's Parties
Excess spending/showing off wealth/the American Dream
Tom slaps Myrtle at the apartment party because she...
Kept repeating Daisy's name.
This city is where Jordan and Daisy knew each other and grew up before moving to New York.
What is Louisville?
This man was president during the time The Great Gatsby takes place.
Who is Warren G. Harding/Calvin Coolidge?
“Let us learn to show friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead.”
Who is Meyer Wolfsheim?
At this point in the story, how does Gatsby symbolize the American Dream?
He has all the money he needs, but still desires something money can't buy