what is plaque
sticky color film that coast teeth
what is optometrist
eye care specialist who examines and treats eyes for vision conditions.
what is a tinnitus
pain or ringing in the ears
what is a cavities
hole in your teeth
what is nearsightedness?
is a condition where objects are closer than they appear
how do you keep ears clean
cleaning ears
what is a orthodontist
dental specialist who prevents and corrects teeth
what is farsightedness
condition where objects are more seen more clearly then other objects
what is being deaf
Not being able to hear anything
what is gingivitis
inflammation of gums
what is astigmatism
eye does not focus on light
how do you protect your ears
avoid high pitch noise
what is periodontist
infection caused by bacteria getting under the gum
what is color blindness
see different colors
how can you tell if your headphone volume to high
checking the sound