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This country is currently holding Muslims in Internment camps.

What is China?


Before Committee can start this motion must be passed

What is a Motion to Open Debate?


Donald Trump has expressed interest in withdrawing from this agreement, approved under the UN. Name this agreement discussing global actions to decrease climate change specifically global warming.

What is the Paris Climate Agreement / Paris Agreement?


This GBS staff member ended and began their career at Glenbrook South. He was one of the

founders of the Academy program, name the man who started the GBS model Un team

what is a Mr. Terrance Jozwik?


Former Republican Conference Chairman and Governer of Indiana currently serving as the president of the Senate.

What is a Mike Pence?


How many Articles of Impeachment have the house democrats brought against President Trump? Double points if you can name them.

What is 2?

What is an abuse of presidential power?

What is obstruction of Congress?


This Motion allows each delegate to go around and speak

What is a Round Robin?


The attack on Pearl Harbor took place in which month?

What is December? 


This Model Un Advisor had an article printed in the Oracle about him

what is a Mr. Jessie Sisler?


After his failed attempt at becoming the nominee, he endorsed Ted Cruz following dropping out of the race. Name the current governor of Florida.

What is a Jeb Bush?... (a failure)


Who should have been time's person of the year according to the popular vote? (we love the person that was named too)

Who is Hong Kong Protestors?


This Motion gives a speaking forum that has no topic and is usually done at the start of the committee.

What is a Speakers List?


In 1893, which country became the first to give women the right to vote?

What is New Zealand?


This club member has been doing MUN for Four years, served as last years technology director and Just received entry into George Town 

What is a Joe Voight?


Former president of the Chicago Police Board and former member of the Chicago Police Accountability Task Force, she defeated Toni Preckwinkle in a run-off election. Name the second female mayor of Chicago.

What is a Lori Lightfoot?


What Supreme Court Justice just publicly stated that Trump has no right to call an end to the impeachment proceedings because he is "Not a lawyer"

What is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?


This Motion is presented and voted on with the Goal of passing a paper but not every clause in it.

What is a Motion to Divide the question?


When did the Cold War officially end?

What is 1989?


How many delegation awards has GBSMUN received this year?

What is 4?


Known for her lack of compromise, this Iron lady was the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom.

What is a Miss Margaret thatcher?


Who recently stepped down from the British Labour party after suffering a huge loss in the general election?

What is a Jeremy Corbyn?


Also known as a "consultation of the whole" This motion allows delegates to speak freely without the ability to move from their seats.

What is a gentleman's un mod?


In what year did India gain its independence from Britain?

What is 1947?


How many first-time award winners have we had this year

(within 3 gets the points)

What is 24?


American statesman, politician, legal scholar, military commander, lawyer, banker, and economist. He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. The face of the Ten dollar bill.

What is a Mr. Alexander Hamilton?
