Meaning of caelum, caeli, n
What is sky, heaven?
Gender of verbum, verbi
What is neuter?
The principal part that forms the perfect stem
What is the 3rd principal part?
Meaning of cur
Translate: nauta invenit amorem.
What is: The sailor finds/has found love?
Meaning of facio, facere, feci
What is I make, I do?
Case, number, and gender of senibus
What is dat pl m or abl pl m?
Recite all the perfect tense endings
What is -i, -isti, -it, -imus, -istis, -erunt?
Type of answer -ne expects
What is neutral yes/no?
Translate: rex in regnum reginam duxit.
What is: The king (has) led the queen into the kingdom?
Full 2nd principal part of miles
What is militis?
Case, number, gender, and translation of novorum regum
What is gen pl m, of the new kings?
Person, number, tense, and translation of fecit
What is 3rd sg perf, h/s/i (has) made/done?
Type of answer nonne expects
What is yes?
Translate: in media nocte non videre potui.
What is: I was not able to see in the middle of the night?
Full 3rd principal part of peto
What is petivi?
I-stem or not: urbs, urbis, f
What is i-stem?
Person, number, tense, and translation of potuistis
Translate: num tu cibum malum consumebas?
What is: Surely you weren't eating bad food? OR You weren't eating bad food, were you?
Translate: fuge ab armis periculoque, O senex!
What is: Flee/run away from weapons and danger, O old man!?
What is do, dare, dedi?
Latin form of "of the good old man"
What is senis?
Latin form of "they have arrived"
What is advenerunt?
Translate: Amatisne in medio mare navigare?
What is: Do y'all like to sail in the middle of the sea?
Translate into Latin: Take the food at the first hour, brothers!
What is: capite cibum prima hora, fratres!?