Trust vs. Mistrust
Long term protection against organisms, can be given when child has a cold.
What are Acyanotic Defects
What is RSV
This GU disorder commonly has hematuria, lethargy, and edema as clinical manifestations.
What is Acute Glomerulonephritis
2 years to 7 years, potty training years, and developing a sense of self. Start to put two events together.
What is Piaget's preoperational stage
Pain scale used for 6 year old
Wong Baker face scale
Coarctation of the Aorta, Pulmonic Stenosis
What are acyanotic obstructive disorders
Barking cough due to epiglottitis, laryngitis, LTB
What is croup
This GU disorder commonly follows a strep infection
What is AGN
Age range for Industry vs. Inferiority
Pain scale used for 6 month old
FLACC scale
Place the child's knees to chest, keep the patient calm, and administer oxygen and pain medication.
What are interventions for a TET spell.
Postural drainage, pancreatic enzymes on food, handwashing
What is caring for Cystic Fibrosis
Are boys or girls more at risk for developing UTI's
Child develops a conscience with an inner voice that warns and threatens. Ages 3-6
Child is not mobile but has random movements with no purpose
What is Unoccupied play
High fever, peeling skin, strawberry tongue, aspirin and digoxin therapy.
What is Kawasaki disease
Promote breastfeeding, no bottle propping, immunize, avoid passive smoking
What is Nursing management for Otitis Media
Hypoalbuminemia is a lab commonly found in what GU disorder?
What is nephrotic syndrome
Formal Operations 11-15 years
Children play together with no group goal
What is associative play
Chorea, painful joints, requires bedrest and quiet activity
What is Rheumatic Fever
Education on avoiding triggers, Encourage use of PEFM, Encourage rinsing out mouth after using inhaler
What is nursing education for Asthma
What is enuresis
What is wetting the bed at night