How many students are allowed to use the restroom pass at a time?
What is intellectual property?
Any original form of creative work that someone makes.
Put these three categories of text in order from most important information to least important information.
Body Text, Header, Subheader
Header, Subheader, Body Text
What is Non-Destructive Editing?
Editing techniques in Photoshop that preserve the original information within the image or design.
What color mode is generally best used for printing?
Where in the classroom should you store any snacks or open drinks during class?
On the counter near the door towards the front of the classroom.
Provide at least two reasons that warrants fair use of someone else's intellectual property
Educational Purposes, Criticism, News Reporting, or transforming the meaning of the work through the use of Satire or Parody.
What is the difference between a Serif and Sans Serif Typeface?
Serif typefaces include little "feet" or protrusions on the strokes of certain letters within the alphabet
Which Photoshop tool allows you to draw around an object to make a selection?
The lasso tool
Name at least three Principles of Design
Contrast, Balance, Emphasis, Proportion, Movement, Repetition, White Space
According to the new late work policy, how long after the original due date can you submit an assignment with an excused absence for full credit?
One Week
Name another form of intellectual property protection besides copyright.
Patents, Trademarks, Trade Secrets
What is Kerning?
The distance between two letters in a word.
What is the purpose of layer masking in Photoshop?
Layer masking is nondestructive way to hide parts of an image or layer without erasing them.
Define Visual Hierarchy
The organization of graphic elements within a design based on order of importance.
According to the new late work policy, where should you turn in any late work this semester?
In the RW$Drive, Period 4, Late Work Folder
When does copyright protection generally expire?
70 years after the copyright holder's death.
What is the difference between a typeface and a font?
A font is a sub-category of a typeface that has a specific style, line weight, and size.
Go to Image>Canvas Size
What raster file type slowly loses quality every time it is re-saved due to lossy compression?
If any unauthorized or inappropriate material is found on a school device or computer, it will...
Be reported directly to administration
What was the premise of the 2018 Naruto vs. Slater copyright case? What was the ruling in the case?
Naruto the crested macaque took a photo of himself using a photographer's camera. PETA then sued the photographer, claiming that Naruto should have IP rights to the images.
A court ruled in favor of Slater, claiming that animals do not have the right to copyright claims.
What was the first typeface to be created and used on Johannes Gutenburg's printing press?
Name one thing a Smart Object layer can do that a normal layer can't.
1. Scale objects on the layer up or down without losing any quality.
2. Work non-destructively
3. Stack adjustments or filters within the layer
4. Automatically updates any edits to the object, even if it used in other documents
Who invented the first Western printing press back in 1436?
Johannes Gutenburg