What is Camp Cowboy?
A 3-day program that invites incoming OSU students to experience life in Stillwater before the fall semester begins.
Taking pieces of tissue paper with glue and putting them through chicken wire to create large murals that correlate to the Homecoming theme.
New Members match up with other Greek members to get to know each other?
Coke Dates
What are the four rounds/days of sorority formal recruitment?
Zoom, Philanthropy, Sisterhood and Preference
President of OSU?
Kayse Shrum (Mommy Shrum)
What song is played during the 3rd quarter at OSU football games?
Friends in Low Places
What is the Edmon Lowe Library fountain dying?
Homecoming king and queen are crowned
Two types of philanthropies every chapter on campus have?
Local & National
How many sororities are on campus?
What purchase can students make that allows them access to all the sporting events and how much does it cost?
All Sports Pass, $250
What is the biggest yearly event at OSU that has been happening for 94 years?
What OSU group sponsors/organized homecoming?
The Alumni Association
What are the three shows that Greek students participate in each year?
Follies, Varsity Revue And Spring Sing
Does your sorority have date parties and formals?
Sororities are able to host a formal/date party each year, alone, with a pairing, or 2 of their choice
What is the central location for all student resources (non-major related)?
The Student Union
What do graduating students do when they get their class ring?
Orange hand-dying ceremony
What other events?
Harv Carv, Hester Street Painting, Sign Competition, Basketball Bananza/ Football/ Homecoming and Hoops
Into the Streets?
Greek and other campus organizations go into the Stillwater community to give back through community service
What have you enjoyed about being in a sorority?
What styles of dorms does OSU offer first year students?
Traditional, Suite Style, and Apartment
What happens at Boone Pickens the night before a game?
It lights up orange
Does AOII build a deck?
Sorority’s work with their partnered fraternity to create a homecoming deck.
4 Pillars of the Sorority and Fraternity community at OSU?
Academics, Sisterhood, Leadership, and Philanthropy
Do you have friends in other sororities?
What are 3 academic offices students can utilize?
MLS (Math Learning Success) Center, Writing Center, and the Lasso Center