What does GEAR UP stand for?
Gaining Early Awareness Readiness for Undergraduate Programs
FAFSA or Free Application for Federal Student Aid
A specific subject area that students specialize in.
Oklahoma's top 2 PUBLIC college/universities are..?
University of Oklahoma (OU) & Oklahoma State University (OSU)
Jobs will likely require a ________. This is so you are able to showcase your skillset and experience.
Once a month GEAR UP holds ____ or ______ ________ ________. It is a curriculum focused on providing families with knowledge/tools/inspiration to help students succeed in life & in school.
FLI or Family Leadership Institute
What are the 4 types of aid students can receive through FAFSA?
Grants, Work-study, student loans & scholarships
A ______ is a specialization or concentration that may or may not complement your college major
A metro university located in Edmond, OK. It is a division II school that is known best for Nursing, Forensic Science and Business.
University of Central Oklahoma (UCO)
Mr. Mack & Ms. Selena both attended this college.
GEAR UP follows its students from 7th grade until when, to provide support through their academic success.
Students have to submit a FAFSA application every school year for the Spring / Fall semester.
It is mandatory that students know what they want to major in when they go to college.
You should think about it. You can have an idea. But it is okay to change your mind. This can still be a time to explore.
Oklahoma's only Historically Black College/University.
Langston University
Paul Quinn
Texas Christian
University of Texas at Arlington
This program provides full tuition support to Oklahoma students planning to attend a two or four year college/university. Families must meet some financial requirements and students must meet certain academic GPA requirements in order to qualify.
Oklahoma's Promise (OK PROMISE)
2 types of federal loans almost any student is able to qualify for when they've filled out their FAFSA.
unsubsidized loans / subsidized loans
______ classes are considered pre-requisite courses that must be taken by all students unless they have been fulfilled through concurrent/AP during high school.
Core classes.
These are your beginning courses you will take as a freshman. They come before your classes that are in your major but can be taken throughout your degree.
Oklahoma's top overall university/top private university.
University of Tulsa
Name the levels of degrees in their respective order.
Graduate or Masters, Associate, Bachelors or Undergraduate, Doctorate/PHD
Associate (2 year)
Bachelors (4 year)
Masters (2 year)
Doctorate (4-6, average is 8 years)
Which schools are involved in our UCO GEAR UP program?
Midwest City
Del City
Western Heights
These two types of financial aid awards do NOT have to be paid back by students.
Grants / Scholarships
What is considered the main form of communication throughout college that students need to familiarize themselves with in order to communicate to professors.
It is important to know e-mail etiquette.
Name at least 5 Oklahoma colleges/universities.
OU,OSU,UCO & Langston have already been discussed.
Southwestern Oklahoma State (SWOSU)
South Eastern Oklahoma State (SE OSU)
Rose State
East Central University (ECU)
Cameron University
Northeastern State University (NSU)
Northwestern Oklahoma State
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma Baptist University
Oral Roberts
Ms. Selena majored in Business Administration. She also has 3 minors.. what are they?