What is College?
When we say “college” we mean any type of education or training after high school. We also use the terms “postsecondary education” or “postsecondary training.”
What WMRHS sports team has the most State Championship titles?
Girls - Track and Field
What are the different levels of classes offered at WMRHS?
College Prep. , Honors, High Honors, AP or STEAM
Where do you go if you do NOT know your schedule?
Powerschool, or go to your school counselor.
What is a scholarship?
A grant or payment made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement!
Name at least 3 different types of post-secondary schooling?
Military Training
Trade School
Community College
What is the name of the principal at WMRHS?
How many years does it take to complete a CTE course?
2 years!
What do you do when you're struggling in a class?
Talk or email your teacher, GET HELP! DON'T BE AFRAID TO TALK TO SOMEONE!
How many continents are there?
What type of degree do you receive after two years of post-secondary schooling?
Associates Degree
What is the address for WMRHS?
127 Regional Rd, Whitefield NH, 03598
Name at least three CTE courses offered at WMRHS
Agricultural Science
Criminal Justice
Culinary Arts
Cybersecurity and Networking
Upperclassmen enjoy it when underclassmen stand in the middle of the hallway to talk to friends.
FALSE - They hate it! Get where you need to be!
How many blocks are in your schedule at WMRHS?
You can receive a masters degree after 6 years of post-secondary schooling.
TRUE - You can receive a masters degree between 5 to 7 years!
WMRHS has a pool.
BOTH - wait till Freshman year to find out!
You can earn college credit at the high school level.
TRUE - We offer RunningStart, EStart, and you are able to gain credit if you pass the AP exam for some colleges!
Pick the better scenario:
Scenario 1:
You go to Dunkins, get some junk, and you're late to school.
Scenario 2:
You go to school on time, and you do not have any Dunks.
SCENARIO 2! It looks really bad when you walk into school late with Dunkins! School is a priority, take it seriously! The school offers B-Fast in the morning! Take advantage of it!
What is the square root of eighty one?
Can you name the closest community college to WMRHS? (Bonus if you can name the location)
White Mountains Community College, Littleton NH
What is the one thing you can NOT step on at the high school?
The Spartan Head Logo
Do we offer STEAM at WMRHS, and what does STEAM stand for?
Yes, it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.
If you are on top of your school work and have a lot of free time, what can you do?
GET INVOLVED, join a club, join a sports team, benefit yourself by benefitting the school!
What does GEAR UP stand for?
Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs