What is Mr. Ron's last name?
What is Ri'chard
Is GEAR UP here to help you navigate your high school career?
What is Yes
What do scholarships and grants give you?
How many years of English is required?
What is 4 years
What does Mr. Ron wear everyday?
What is Ms. Jasmine's Last Name?
What is Vang
What is a Program
Do you have to pay scholarships and grants back?
What is No, it's free money!
How many years of History is required?
What is 2 years
Where can you find Mr. Ron?
What is Room X111, Asset's Room, Quad, Everywhere
What cohort is GEAR UP designed to help?
What is Class of 2024 or 10th graders
What do scholarships and grants help you pay?
How many years of Math is required and recommended?
What is 3 years required and 4 years recommended
What scholarship does GEAR UP give out to our cohort?
How many team members does GEAR UP have?
What is 5
What does GEAR UP stand for?
Name 1 place where you can apply for a scholarship.
What is School, College and Career Center, Online, Websites
What is 2 years required and 3 years recommended
What college did Ms. Jasmine graduate from?
What is UC Davis
Which military branch was Mr. Ron a part of?
What is the Air Force
When is Mr. Ron's birthday?
What is January 1st
What application do you apply for to receive grants for college?
How many years of Foreign Language is required and recommended?
What is 2 years required and 3 years recommended
How many years is GEAR UP designed to be with our cohort?
What is 6 years or 7 years