Maker & STEM 3/4
Types of Engineers
Engineering Design Cycle

This type of force is created when the air under the wing is at high pressure and the air above the wing is at a lower pressure. 

What is lift force? 


Someone who designs and constructs airplanes and spacecrafts

What is an aerospace engineer?


The steps of this process is to Design, Make, Test, Share and Repeat

What is the Engineering Design Cycle


The names of your Instructors

Who are Allan, Meghan, and Hafsa 


This law of motion states that object in motion like to stay in motion and objects at rest like to stay at rest. 

What is the first law of motion? 


Someone who designs, constructs and maintains both the physical and natural built environment, which includes projects such as roads, bridges, dams, pipelines, and buildings

What is a civil engineer?


The ability to "put yourself in someone else's shoes," which means to understand and share the feelings of someone else

What is empathy?


This is the movie that the song "Hakuna Matata" comes from

What is the Lion King?


This thing comes in many forms, such as electricity, light, heat, and sound.

What is energy? 


This is the oldest type of engineering. This engineer studies, designs, and builds machines and other things that move. They work on designing vehicles like cars and trains as well as other devices like sewing machines, refrigerators, water wheels and robots.

What is a mechanical engineer?

We must always think about empathy in this step of the Engineering Design Cycle

What is (Step 1) the Design step?


This is the name of this building

What is the Engineering Design Centre?


This is one of the 11 organ systems in the body and its job is to send signals to the brain from the extremities and vice versa 

What is the Nervous System?


Someone who designs and programs things like desktop and web applications, mobile apps, games, robots, operating systems, and network systems

What is a software engineer?


This step in the cycle is important because we have to make sure that what we made is usable and works the way we intended it to work

What is (Step 3) to Test?


These are the names of the 7 continents

What is North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica


What are the first letters of the four bases that make up DNA

What is A, T, C, G 


Someone who designs things such as artificial internal organs, replacements for body parts and the machines used in medical facilities. They have a good understanding of mechanical engineering and biology

What is a biomedical engineer?


In the Share step of the cycle, it is important to do this because we want to know how to improve our design and make it better

What is getting feedback from other engineers or people


June 18, 2004

What is Allan's birthday?
