The Number of patrols required per shift on week end.
Must be called prior to Disabling the Fireworks AV
Simplex Grinnel
Warning Condition
This Unit is called for After SBA Lead Column Level PPM
Unit 23
The Black Folder at the console desk contains this checklist.
Protestors on property
Security opens the receiving gate for a vendor needing to deliver or pick up only after this.
Unit 22 authorization
Chris Dufel's Office is in this Speaker Zone Location.
Speaker Zone E
When reading the TGMS Sensor Trend, the blue line indicates this.
Current Gas Reading
This Honeywell Alarm includes a Green Box at the bottom of the screen.
Waste Water Overflow and Pump failure
If the MERT Team is deemed necessary, security will notify them using this...
Phone Page System
When a Hot Work Permit expires it is left at this location.
EHS Manager's Desk
The Azore Bench VESDA is Located Here
Azore Bench Stepper Tool in Gen 3 Litho
Placing TGMS in Maintenance Mode requires logging in as this.
Honeywell does not distinguish between the conditions for this alarm type, only a general upon condition Blue.
Refrigerant Leak Alarm
This gas is monitored in the Bunker Tunnel
What is O2 (oxygen)
Chris Dufel requires a notification Email when this key is checked out or in.
Gas Cabinet Key
This goes is also known as PIV
Post Indicator Valve
When either of these two TGMS alarms come in, no Blue Strobes or Horns are activated.
Hydrogen Cyanide Exhaust sensors for Flex bay
The Frequency and manner of monitoring particles in Laser/Lam.
Weekly and manually
The area of a Clear Zone for a Bomb Threat.
300 feet
County's radio designation for GEHC in the event of accidental activation of Fire radio Orange Button
A Fast Pulse with a Strobe lasting 10 Seconds on the FM-200 Suppression System.
Second Alarm Tone
These two are the only sensors indicating an actual Toxic Gas Alarm.
Ambient and exhaust
These Particle sensors are located under the floor in the clean room.
If the TGMS Horn/Strobe Bypass switch needs to be turned on, Security will report here.
Chase F