Define תוספת שבת
The mitzvah to start Shobbas before sunset and end Shobbas later
Where is the best spot in your house to light the מנורה?
By a window
When is Mincha Gedolah and when is Mincha Ketana?
Mincha Gedolah:
6 1/2 hours into the day
Mincha Ketana:
9 1/2 hours into the day
How many people in the Shiur are on the DRS JV Hockey team? Who are they?
2, Huda & Sam
The halfway point between Mincha Ketana and sunset, This is 10 hours and 45 minutes into the day.
What does נר איש וביתו mean?
The basic mitzvah of lighting one candle for the entire household each night
Do we hold by רב יוסי or רב יהושע in terms of who established our daily תפילות?
We hold by רב יוסי, However, we also connect the prayers to the קרבנות for Mussaf
Who in the shiur sponsored Chullent this past Friday?
Gavi Perlysky
It is understandable (it makes sense)
How do you calculate שעות זמניות?
You figure out how many hours and minutes are from sunrise to sunset and the divide that number by 12
What is the best (most beautiful) way to light the מנורה?
You add a candle for each night of Chanukah
What is the opening question of the Gemara on the bottom of 26B?
What does עד mean?
What was Juan Soto's record-breaking contract with the New York Mets?
15 years, $765 million
Give an example of a common vs not as common Mitzvah
Leining on Rosh Chodesh
Mincha vs Mussaf
Talis before Tefillin
What are you supposed to do if it's late at night and you need to light candles but nobody at home is awake?
In order to light with a ברכה you need to wake up someone in your house
When you have the opportunity to daven מוסף and מנחה at the same time, What do you say first according to רבי יהודה, and what do you say first according to the תנא קמא, why?
According to תנא קמא:
You daven מנחה first because it's more common then מוסף.
According to רבי יהודה:
You daven מוסף first because מוסף is expiring sooner
Which person in the shiur won the MS Yeshiva League Hockey championship last year?
Daniel Abrahams
הדי הדדי
Why is it a problem to start שבת at 7:00pm in the summer?
Because you end up davening Mincha after Plag and Maariv before sunset
Why is it important to make the ברכה before you light?
The general rule is that your supposed to make the ברכה then do the mitzvah instead of doing the mitzvah then making the ברכה
To be able to daven מוסף and מנחה at the same time, Do you have to say, עד ועד בכלל or עד ולא עד בכלל? Why?
You have to say עד ועד בכלל because that is the only way in which מוסף and מנחה will overlap
For mitzvos like Tefillin and Lulav, why do we start the action but do not finish it until we make the ברכה?
Because we have to make the bracha before doing the mitzvah