What are the rider and driver allowed to bring with them on the donkey
1) rider - 3 days worth of clothes, 3 days worth of food and drink. driver 1 day of each
2) rider trips worth of food and clothes. driver - day worth of food and clothes
3) rider - 1 day worth of food and clothes. driver - 1 day worth of food for him and donnkey
4) driver - rides worth of food and clothes. rider - 1 day worth of food for him and his donkey
5) none of the above
1) enough to sell and buy a car
2) enough to sell and rent a car
3) he can find another car to rent but he will have to walk a mile
4) he can find another car to rent but it will cost extra
Why in the Reisha of the mishna does it not make a difference how it died?
1) Died because of high altitude
2) Died because of exhaustion
3) Mountain / Valley killed it
4) all of the above
4) all of the above
Rava said; "if you hire someone to do a job for a full day and he completeted it in half a day, if you have eaiser or equal work, you can make them do it, if not, you have to pay them full. why not pay them כפועל בטל?
1) Because they finished the job
2) talking about people from Pumpedisa
3) you cant add things onto a job
4) talking about people that are used to working and not working is as hard for them as working
4) talking about people that are used to working and not working is as hard for them as working
In the Mishna, Who tricked who?
1) Owner to worker
2) worker to owner
3) Worker to Worker
4) Owner to Owner
3) Worker to Worker
If the people plowing their field went in the right place, who is responsible according to the maskanah?
the guy with the plow (not the guy directing the ox) unless they go into a very rocky place - in which that case they split the price
Why cant you sell the donkey and rent another donkey according to rav?
because he holds that לא מכלינן קרנא
If someone wanted to sell his smaller field for 100 and instead of working hard and finding someone to but it for 100 he instead sold his bigger field at a discount for 200 and hes עייל ונפיק שזוזי whats the din? is it a sale before he gets all the money or not?
If someone hires workers to draw water from a river to water his field and water came on its own and watered the field for him? When is it the owners loss, and when is it the workers loss?
Rain - worker
river - owner
Why Cant the case of tricking be that the Baal Habayis told the middle man 4 and the middleman told the worker 3?
סבור וקבל
אלא בספינה סתם ויין זה, אם לא נתן אמאי לא יתן, _______________ ואנא מייתינא ספינתא
נימא ליה הב לי ההוא חמרא
השוכר את החמור לרכוב עליה ומתה לו בחצי הדרך ______________ ואין לו עליו אלא תרעומת
נותן לו שכרו של חצי הדרך
כל המעביר על דעת בעל הבית _________
נקרא גזלן
If someone hires a worker, ___________________________________ If he is a שכיר יום pay half the hours, if hes a Kablan pay half the job
and half way through the worker found out that his relative died or became sick
If the owner told the Middle man 3 and the middle man told the worker 4 and the middle man said _______________ He should give it on his own
שכרכם עלי
דשכיח למטרח ולמזבן מאוונא לאוונא
he can work hard and find stuff to buy (food and clothes) from station to station
כיון דכי מטי יובל קר הדרא ארעא למרה
Once yovel arrives the property will return to the owner
אדעתא דמידי אחרינא לא יהיב ליה
he didnt give him the money for anything other things
ורב סבר לה כוותיה בחדא ופליג עליה בחדא
Rav agrees with him on one and argues with him on the other one
טרחינן ועבידן לך עבידתא שפירתא
we worked hard and did a better job
its talking about ספינה זו יין זו
He sold it for 60 years
question about field
If so, then it should have clearly said that, why did it say מפני שמעביר על דעת בעל הבית
maybe the reason you cant buy pants if you were given money for a shirt is because people will suspect the donor of being dishonest
In one case he is desperate for the money קא עייל ונפיק אזוזיה and the other case he isnt
why in one case does רשב"ג say only if he writes clearly does he not buy the whole field and only bought what he paid for and in another case he implies the opposite
She said התקבל לי גיטי and the shliach said she said הבא לי גיטי and the husband said "Whatever she said do" and Rav Nachman said When the get arrives in his hands they are divorced means אדיבורה דידה קא סמיך and if Rav Nachman said when the get arrives in her hands it means אדיבורה דידיה קא סמיך
What would need to be the case for us to know that either אדיבורה דידה קא סמיך or אדיבורה דידיה קא סמיך