Has visited half of the major league baseball stadiums in the US
Who is Jonathan?
Year Intuitive was founded?
What is 1995?
Responsibility, Discipline, Analytical, Achiever, Maximizer
Who is Chris?
Astellas, IQVIA, JNJ, World Health Organization, Disney
Who is HaiShan?
Relator, Analytical, Significance, Competition, Discipline
Who is Jeff?
Previously worked at Abbott Diabetes
Who is Jeff Lu?
One of Intuitiive's foundersr
Who is Frederic Moll, John Gordon Freund, Robert G Younge?
Relator, Restorative, Intellection, Strategic, Individualization
Who is Marc?
Project Eagle, Bard, UC San Diego
Who is Justine?
Strategic, Achiever, Analytical, Ideation, Maximizer
Who is Christine?
Diverse Abilities, mountain climbing, orchestra
Who is Sam?
This Intuitive leader worked at Computer Motion before Intuitive acquired it
Who is Brian Miller?
Achiever, Maximizer, Individualization, Input, Context
Who is Tricia?
JNJ, Sanofi, American Express, Indianapolis
Who is Larry?
Learner, Belief, Connectedness, Developer, Positivity
Who is Larry?
Fly fishing, New Hampshire, Spanish mother-in-law
Who is Chris?
We aimed for the what and hit the prostate
What is the heart?
Belief, Arranger, Relator, Strategic, Activator
Who is Alexa?
WebMD, GfK, Tufts, Classical music
Who is Marc?
Futuristic, Achiever, Developer, Context, Belief
Who is Shanice?
Morgan Hill, musical theater, early patient work too
Who is Alece?
He spent time leading the EU sales organization before returning to the US in 2015.
Who is Henry Charlton?
Strategic, Achiever, Learner, Analytical, Ideation
Who is Adrien?
Guitar, Hip hop, IQVIA, JNJ
Who is Kelvin?
Relator, Learner, Restorative,Deliberative, Empathy
Who is Haishan?