Alyssa was born in this year
What is 1997?
Jess was born in this year
What is 1993?
Minnie was born in this year
What is 1993?
Shamice was born in this year
What is 1983?
This Gemini had their first kiss in Florida
Who is Jess?
Alyssa's favorite wild animal is a...
What is a monkey?
Jess' favorite wild animal is...
What is a lion?
Minnie's favorite wild animal is...
What is a panda?
Shamice's favorite wild animal?
What is a tiger?
This Gemini loves Casamigos
Who is Shamice?
Alyssa's favorite ice cream flavor is...
What is mint chocolate chip?
Jess' favorite ice cream flavor is...
What is straticcella?
Minnie's favorite ice cream flavor is...
What is coffee coffee buzz buzz ?
Shamice's favorite ice cream flavor is...
What is Butter Pecan?
This Gemini has a fear of small circles/holes
Who is Minnie?
Alyssa's middle name is ...
What is Rosemarie?
Jess' middle name is...
What is Ayoung?
Minnie's middle name is...
What is Min-Jung?
Shamice's middle name is...
What is Marquices?
This Gemini has four siblings
Who is Alyssa?
Alyssa's favorite emoji is...
What is the heart hand emoji?
Jess' favorite emoji is...
What is the big wide-eyes emoji?
Minnie's favorite emoji is...
Shamice's favorite emoji is...
What is the questionable face emoji?
What year was Wynwood named as a neighborhood in Miami?
What is 1917?