Increase in indirect bilirubin levels in a 5 day old
Breastfeeding jaundice
Rash develops after a 7-21 day incubation period
Stacks 2-3 cubes
Runs well
Points to 1-3 body parts
18 months
1. Strawberry cervix, Yellow-green smelly discharge, Dyspareunia
2. Diagnostic testing
1. Trichomonas Vaginalis
2. dx NAAT of endocervical, vaginal, urethral swab or urine specimen
- motile flagellated protozoa
Vaccinations given at 2, 4, 6 months
DTaP, HiB, IPV (6-18 months), PCV-13, Rota
Increased indirect bilirubin in a 10 day old
Breast milk jaundice
High B-glucoronidase levels in breast milk and high lipase content
1. Fever, fever, fever, then this rash
2. Causative organism(s)
1. Roseola (exanthem subitum)
Pink papular eruption on trunk, after 3-5 days of high fever, fades w/in 24-48 hrs
2. HHV 6&7, also parvo B19, adeno, echovirus 16
Copies a square or cross
Plays cooperatively with a group
Knows 4 colors
4 years
1. Gray white vaginal discharge, Fishy odor, Little vaginal or vulvar inflammation
2. Causative organisms - list at least 1
3. Diagnostic testing
1. Bacterial Vaginosis
2. Gardnerella vaginalis, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, anaerobic Gram negative rods
3. + "whiff test", "clue cells" on wet mount
First birthday shots (12-15 months)
MMR, Varicella, Hep A (2 doses within 12-23 months), HiB (4th), PCV (4th), DTaP (4th - between 15-18 months)
Circumstances in which jaundice should always be evaluated. Name at least 2.
1. Jaundice in <24 hours of life
2. Bilirubin rise > 5-8 mg/dL in 24 hours
3. Rate of rise b/n 2 bili meaurements > 0.5 mg/dL/hour --> hemolysis
Gray papules on buccal mucosa then this rash
Measles AKA Rubeola (10-day measles)
3 Cs - cough, coryza, conjunctivitis
Koplik spots
Rash from head to toe, lasts 4-7 days
Uses 3-5 words
Uses spoon and cup
Walks alone, stoops and recovers
15 months
1. Mucopurulent endocervical discharge/penile discharge, Friable erythematous cervix
2. Diagnostic test
3. Treatment
1. Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria Gonorrheae
2. Dx NAAT on urine, vaginal, endocervical specimens
3. Tx Oral Azithromycin (chlamydia) + IM Ceftriaxone ( neisseria)
Kindergarten shots (4-6 years)
MMR (2nd), Varicella (2nd), DTaP (5th), IPV (4th)
Name at least 3 causes of indirect hyperbilirubinemia (excluding physiologic, breastfeeding and breast milk jaundice)
1. Hemolysis - ABO-Rh incompatibility, spherocytosis, elliptocytosis, pyruvate kinase deficiency
2. Upper GI obstruction (incr. enterohepatic circulation)- pyloric stenosis, duodenal stenosis, annular pancreas
3. Criggler-Najjar, Gilbert's disease
4. Sepsis
Mild URI symptoms
Painful lymphadenopathy - suboccipital, posterior auricular, cervical
Non-pruritic, maculopapular confluent rash lasting 3-4 days
Mild fever
Rubella AKA German measles (3-day measles)
Uses 5 word sentences
Dresses self
Copies a triangle
5 years
1. Acute onset scrotal swelling, pain, urinary frequency, dysuria or urethral discharge, + Prehn sign
2. Causative organisms
3. Treatment
1. Epididymitis - Swollen, tender epididymis
2. Neisseria gonorrheae or Chlamydia trachomatic
3. Azithromycin, IM Ceftriaxone, analgesics
11-12 years vaccines
HPV (2 doses if 9-14 years at initiation, 3 doses if 15 years at initiation)
MCV (2nd at 16 years)
Name at least 3 causes for direct hyperbilirubinemia
1. Obstructive - Choledochal cyst, Biliary atresia
2. Metabolic - Galactosemia, Hereditary fructose intolerance, Tyrosinemia, a1-antitrypsin deficiency
3. TPN induced cholestasis
4. Cystic Fibrosis
5. Neonatal hepatitis (TORCH, Hep A, B, C, EBV, Varicella, Herpes, TB)
Erythematous rash with small skin colored papules, starting on trunk --> peripherally, blanches with pressure
Feels like sandpaper
Petechiae within skin creases
Scarlet fever sandpaper rash 2/2 GABHS
Pastia lines (petechiae within skin creases)
Throws ball overhand
Copies drawing a line
Knows >50 words
Parallel play
2 years
1. Swollen, tender testicle, absent cremasteric reflex
2. Management timeline
1. Testicular torsion
2. Urologic emergency, detorsion within 6 hours to preserve testicular function
Vaccine given to >2 year old with asplenia