Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4&5
Chapter 6

Psychology is formally defined as

What is 
the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. 


A school principal wants to know student opinions about the food served in the school's cafeteria. To obtain these opinions, the principal devises a set of questions for all students to answer. In this case, the principal is using a ________Blank to obtain the opinions of students.

What is a survey


Which system is responsible for putting the body on high alert when threatened?

What is sympathetic nervous system 


When a swimmer first jumped into the pool, they thought that the water was very cold. Although the temperature of the pool remained constant, after a few minutes the swimmer no longer complained about feeling cold. This change in reaction to the temperature of the pool water is an example of

What is sensory adaptation? 


Which of the following is a form of learning based on the association between behaviors and resulting consequences?

What is operant conditioning?


Which of the following statements is true of critical thinkers?

What is They question and test what some people say are facts. 


A psychologist is examining how a student's reading speed is differently affected by two variables: being tutored by a teacher's assistant and being tutored by a computer-based reading program. In this experiment, which of the following is the dependent variable?

What is the the student's reading speed 


What does the autonomic nervous system do?

What is monitors heart rate? 


A person living near an airport can clearly hear the larger jets pass overhead. The mid-sized private jets are not as loud, and the smaller planes do not register in their hearing. The smaller planes fall below which of the following?

What is absolute threshold?


A pet owner always takes their dog out for a walk in the morning. Whenever the dog sees the leash, it instantly gets very excited about going for a walk. In this scenario, the dog has learned to associate the leash with going for a walk through

What is classical conditioning? 


Individuals who believe that rewards and punishments determine our actions are following the ________Blank approach to psychology.

What is behavioral?


A researcher observes that the longer a classroom lecture, the lower the attentiveness of students in the class. In the context of correlational research, the length of the lecture and the level of attentiveness are said to have a

What is a negative correlation


Which of the following is a function of the axon in a nerve cell in the context of specialized cell structure?

What is 
It carries information away from the cell body toward other cells. 


A hiker is walking in the woods and feels sudden pain in the back of their neck. Because of the nature of the pain, the hiker recognizes that it is from a bee sting. In this scenario, which of the following processes has most likely helped identify the source of pain?

What is perception? 


In operant conditioning, a consequence that increases the likelihood that a behavior will occur is known as a(n)

What is a reinforcement? 


Which of the following is a characteristic of a behavior?

What is actions that can be observed 


A correlation coefficient is a statistic that tells the

What is strength and direction of the association between two variables. 


Even though Meiling’s eyes can physically see a car driving up, his brain is unable to interpret the information and move away in time. In this scenario, the area of Meiling’s brain that is most likely damaged is the

What is occipital lobe?


Which of the following is the name for the normal daily cycles that include fluctuations in temperature and blood sugar levels in the body?

What is circadian rhythms?



In the context of classical conditioning, which of the following statements is true of spontaneous recovery?

What is It is the process by which a conditioned response can recur after a time delay, without further conditioning?


What does neuroscience focus on?

What is how the brain and nervous system provide the means to understand behavior, thought, and emotion 


Participants in an experimental research study listen to a lecture either in a lecture hall filled with natural light or in a lecture hall with artificial light and no windows. Before leaving the lecture halls, the participants fill out a mood survey. What is the independent variable in this study?

What is the type of light in the rooms


A pedestrian is about to cross a road when they see a car speeding toward them. The pedestrian immediately jumps out of the way and is able to avoid major injuries. Which of the following is a part of the peripheral nervous system to which this reaction can be attributed?

What is the autonomic division?


A patient reported a boost in energy and a sense of well-being after taking a drug. Medical tests revealed increased activity in the central nervous system. The drug the patient took was most likely a 

What is a stimulant?


In the context of classical conditioning, which of the following statements is true of renewal?

What is 
It refers to the recovery of a conditioned response when an organism is placed in a novel context. 
