Characteristics or qualities typically associated with a father; such as being protective, providing guidance, or showing care and concern.
The state of being male or female, often based on biological differences; it can also refer to the roles, behaviors, and expectations that society associates with being male or female.
Providing care and support to help someone grow or develop; it often involves showing love, affection, and attention.
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person; it involves being able to put oneself in someone else's shoes.
Characteristics or qualities typically associated with a mother; such as being nurturing, caring, and protective.
Overgeneralized beliefs or ideas about a particular group of people; they are often based on assumptions and can be unfair or inaccurate.
A lack of physical strength or ability to resist force; it can also mean a lack of power or strength in character or will.
Something that is widespread, usual, or frequently encountered; it can also mean ordinary or not special.
Relating to or involving feelings or emotions; it refers to how someone reacts to and expresses their feelings.
Willing to obey or submit to the authority of others; it can also mean being passive or not asserting oneself.