define gene regulation
What are mechanisms that act to induce or repress the expression of a gene
define translation
What is process in which ribosomes in the cytoplasm or endoplasmic reticulum synthesize proteins
The process of transcription severs to create this molecule from a DNA template strand
What is MRNA
Where do proteins come from
what is ribosomes
This is the number of curves on a standard paper clip
What is 3
What does it mean to have a gene regulated
what is the gene is turned "off" or "on"
where does translation happen
what is endoplasmic reticulum
During transcription, molecules are synthesized by this enzyme
What is RNA polymerase
What is the most common DNA-binding motif
What is helix-turn-helix
What is Kylie jenners baby’s name
who is Stormi
Gene regulation enables what important evolutionary phenomenon in particular
What is cell specialization
The AUG codon translates to what amino acid?
What is methionine
Transcription is initialized by the binding of synthesis enzymes to what genomic site
What is promoter region
The protein that DNA wraps around due to the attraction of opposite charges
What is Histone protein
Car model of Cars lightning mcqueen
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What are the three types of gene regulation
what is positive regulation, negative regulation, and co-regulation
During this process, the template RNA strand is "translated" into a sequence of these molecules
What is amino acid
List two of the three primary forms of RNA
What is messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA
What regulates the protein synthesis
What is the availability of mRNA
This country singer is currently on a reality TV show as a judge
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DNA can be permanently deactivate by this chemical process
What is DNA methylation
All amino acids contain a carboxyl group, but the 20 different molecules vary in the structure of what region of the chemical
What is R Group
Transcription, and by extension, gene expression, occurs during this phase in the cell cycle
What is interphase
Why do we need regulatory proteins
What is must "turn on" certain genes in particular cells at the right time
What is the fraze the pink octopus says when she gets scared in finding nemo
What is Aww you guys made me ink