According to, this is the most popular pizza topping in the United States.
What is pepperoni?
This substance gives human hair, skin, and nails their color.
What is melanin?
This is the largest country in the world by land mass.
What is Russia?
What are stimuli?
This is the only drink Ella will order at a restaurant instead of water.
This is the number of bones in the human body.
What is 206?
This continent exists in all four hemispheres.
What is Africa?
What are oxen?
This is Ella's go-to restaurant when she wants to splurge.
What is Piada?
The french fry was invented in this country.
What is Belgium?
This is the number of bones that sharks have.
What is zero?
No U.S. state contains this letter.
What is Q?
What are phenomena?
What is Sample House & Candle Shop?
This condiment was used for its medicinal qualities in the 1800s.
Noble gases are found in this group of the periodic table.
What is Group 18?
These are the only two state capitals that rhyme.
What is Boston and Austin?
What are codices?
Elizabeth Walden was adopted during this year.
What is 2008?
This is the most stolen grocery store food item.
What is cheese?
This is the term for a group of parrots.
What is a pandemonium?
This is the flattest state in the U.S.
What is Florida?
What are passersby?
This is the organization Ella joined her freshman year but is no longer a member of.
What is Alpha Phi Omega or APO?