Where is the White House located?
Washington D.C.
How many zeros are in a million?
Which animal can be seen on the Ferrari logo?
What is a Horse
What is the smallest state or territory in Australia by land area?
Name a boardgame with a king and queen.
Where did Harry Potter go to school?
What is measured on the Richter scale?
Where was the World Cup held last?
How many inches are in a foot?
12 inches
Name three of the seven dwarves
Dopey, Grumpy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Happy, Doc, Bashful
How many stars are on the American flag?
What year was Minecraft released?
What was the first Pixar movie?
What is Toy Story
What year did Facebook launch?
What is 2004
What country has the largest population?
Name a mammal that cannot jump?
Elephant, rhino, sloth and a hippo
100 degrees
What's the largest ocean?
Which fruit floats because 25% of its volume is air?
What is a Apple
What is the biggest country in the world?
What is Russia
Which body organ pumps blood?
The heart
Which US state is known as the Empire State?
what is New York State.
What continent is Jamaica in?
North America
What kind of animals does Santa own?
Deer (reindeer)
What's a synonym for 12:00 AM?
How many members of the Beatles were there?
Which country has a red flag with a yellow star in the middle?
Originally, Amazon only sold what kind of product?
What is Books
In which country can you find the tallest building on Earth?
What do you call a baby goat?
A kid
What is the spicy green stuff we eat with sushi, called?
What do you call an area that receives 10 inches or less of rainfall each year?
A desert
Please present your best famous impression or accent for the Coaches to Judge
Good luck :)
Who came up with the theory of evolution?
Charles Darwin
Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington
What famous ocean liner sank back in 1912?
The Titanic
The word latte means “milk” in which language?
Where is Raphael Nadal from?
Tanks were used in battle for the first time in which conflict?
What is World War 1
What metal is liquid at room temperature?
Which ocean is off the California coast?
The Pacific
What is the largest planet in the solar system?
In which country does the Pope live?
Vatican City
Which continent do giraffes come from?
Which city has the highest population?
A) Tokyo
B) London
C) New York
D) Rio de Janiero
What is the only U.S. state that is an island?
How do you say chocolate in French?
What is the closest star to earth?
The sun
What is the largest organ on the human body?
The skin
Which animal is the cartoon character blinky bill?
What bird lives in Antarctica and cannot fly?
A penguin
What is the largest continent?
What language is spoken in East Timor?
How many teeth are in the human mouth?
What is the name of Harry Potter's pet owl?
What country invented the ice cream sundae?
The United States
When is American Independence Day?
4th of July
How many continents are there?
How do you say thank you in Japanese?
Where would you be if you were in Aotearoa
New Zealand
“Ich liebe dich” means “I love you” in which language?
What is a language spoken in 1/4 of Canada?
What is French