The sport Michael Jordan plays
What is basketball
Deer meat is also known by what name?
What is venison
Venison means "to pursue, or to hunt". Any hunted animal was called venison, but deer were more popularly hunted. so the name stuck with members of the deer family.
MGM movies, uses which kind of animal to introduce it's movies?
What is a Lion!
This part of the body, located on either side of the head, is essential for both hearing and balance.
What are the ears!
How would you say "hello" in french?
What is bonjour!
Where are the next Summer Olympic Games being held?
What is Los Angeles
Lures, reels, hooks, rods, baits and nets are common equipment used in what food gathering method?
What is fishing!
What is a dog's most powerful sense?
What is sense of smell
What two parts of your body continue to grow for your entire life?
What is Nose and ears!
This is because they are made up of cartilage not bone!
What do you call magma after it erupts from a volcano?
What is lava!
In which sport do you use the word 'bunker'?
What is Golf?
Are humans omnivore, herbivore or carnivore? (most humans)
What is omnivore!
Herbivore only eats plants, Carnivore only eats meat, Omnivore eats both plants and meat!
What kind of animal is a barracuda?
What is a fish!
This organ is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
What is the heart!
How many cards are there in a deck of cards?
What is 52 cards,
54 if you include the two jokers!
The number of rings on the Olympic flag
What is 5!
Which tree-grown fruit is known for keeping the doctor away if eaten daily?
What is an apple!
What is the process called when a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly?
What is a metamorphosis!
This part of the body is responsible for filtering, moistening, and warming the air we breathe.
What is the nose!
Which breakfast cereal is advertised with the slogan "Snap, Crackle and Pop"?
What is rice krispies!
What color belt are martial arts experts entitled to wear?
What is black!
How long can a human survive without any food? (but they do have water)
A) 7 days
B) 3 hours
C) 3 weeks
What is 3 weeks! 21 Days! Mahatma Ghandi survived 21 days of complete starvation!
Which bird beats his wings 60-80 times per second? (also the only bird known to fly backwards)
What is a hummingbird!
What is the human body's biggest organ?
What is the skin!
What is the SECOND biggest country in the world?
The first biggest is Russia with around 6.6 million square miles!
What is Canada! we have around 2.8 million square miles!