The basic units of all living things.
A collection of similar cells that perform a particular function.
Produces offspring and allows for transfer of genetic material. Differentiates between the sexes
a muscular, cone-shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system.
the study of the anatomy, structure, and function of the bones.
A colorless jellylike substance found inside cells in which food elements such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and water are present.
Adipose tissue is a technical term for ___.
Makes blood and oxygen available to body structures through respiration; eliminates carbon dioxide
The principal components of the nervous system are the ___, the ______, and the ____ themselves.
brain, spinal cord, nerves
. The seven bones of the top part of the vertebral column, located in the neck region
Cervical vertebrae
Cells have the ability to reproduce, thus providing new cells for the growth and replacement of worn or injured ones.
What is this process called?
this tissue contracts and moves various parts of the body.
Muscle tissue
Controls hormone levels that determine growth, development, sexual function, and health of entire body
The digestive system organs are:
stomach, intestines, salivary and gastric glands
Light spongy bone between the eye sockets; forms part of the nasal cavities
Ethmoid bone
Similar to favorable sporadic conditions, cells need a similar favorable condition to eliminate waste products. Name a couple of favorable conditions.
adequate supply of food, oxygen, and water.
A protective tissue that covers the body surfaces, such as skin, mucous membranes, tissues inside the mouth.
Epithelial Tissue
Provides protective covering and regulates body temperature
The integumentary system organs include:
skin, oil and sweat glands, hair and nails.
An oval, bony case that protects the brain
Mitosis is the process of dividing into two identical _____ cells.
Nerve tissue
Eliminates waste from the body reducing buildup of toxins
The respiratory system functions with these organs:
the lungs, air passages.
the bones of the palm, consisting of five slender bones between the carpus and the phalanges