Basic unit of living things
What is cells?
Referred to as the egg white of the egg
What is protoplasm?
Referred to as the yolk of the egg
What is the nucleus?
The study of the human body structures that can be seen by the naked eye
What is anatomy?
Number of bones in the body
What is 206?
The study of the function & activities performed by the body
What is physiology?
Dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell
What is the nucleus?
Technical term for fat
What is adipose tissue?
Two identical cells
What is daughter cells?
What is the hardest tissue in the body
What is the bone?
Responsible for carrying on all life processes
What is cells?
A colorless jelly-like substance found inside cells
What is protoplasm?
The two parts of the skull
What is cranium and facial skeleton
Nerve tissue that makes up the nerves, brain, & spinal cord
What are neurons?
Heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee
What is the femur?
Watery fluid surrounding the nucleus, needed for growth, reporduction and metabolism
What is cytoplasm?
Process of cell reproduction of human tissue
What is mitosis?
Inner and larger bone of the forearm
What is Ulna?
The meaning of Integument
What is natural covering?
Muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head
What is sternocleidomastoideus?
Permits soluble substances to enter and leave the cell
What is cell membrane?
Bone that joins all of the bones of the cranium together
What is Sphenoid bone?
Bony cage that serves as a protective framework for the heart, lungs and other internal organs
What is the thorax?
The trigeminal nerve
What is the 5th cranial nerve, the largest of the cranial nerves
Muscle located beneath the frontalis and orbicularis oculi muscle: draws eyebrows down and wrinkles the forehead
What is corrugator muscle?