Periodic Table
Periodic Trends and More
Heat of Fusion/Vaporization
MC Questions

Draw a lewis symbol of Sulfur, describe what period/groups are, and list the group and period that Sulfur is in.

1. S with 6 total dots

2. A period is a horizontal row of the periodic table. A group is a vertical row of the periodic table.

3. Group 16, period 3.


- list out the s, p, d, f blocks and an example of an element in each sublevel.

- DRAW an S orbital, how does the size vary as we go up the levels. Draw the p orbitals. 

1. choice question

2. S is sphere, p has 3 orbital axis.


Pick the one with the largest atomic radius:

1. Al or B

2. Na or Al

3. S or O

4. O or F

5. Br or Cl

6. Mg or Ca

1. Al

2. Na

3. S

4. O

5. Br

6. Ca


1. If we take a neutral Se atom but consider it having the normal number of neutrons, what would be a way to write an Se isotope with 5 more neutrons in it. 

2. What would be the name and symbol of an atom with the same mass number as part 1 but has 53 neutrons.

1. Se - 84

2. 31 protons, so Ga.

  1. What is the fully written, stable configuration of Cu 

  1. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d9 

  1. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d9 4p5 

  1. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s1 

  1. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6  

  1. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 

Option E (#5)


What are some elements of alkali and alkaline earth metals? What group are these both in?

Alkali metals is the 1st group, Alkaline earth metals are in 2nd group.


1. What is ground state configuration of Cl?

2. What is the configuration of Te?

3. How many unpaired electrons does neutral At have?

1. until 3p5

2. until 5p4

3. 1 unpaired e-


Pick which atom ha the greatest ionization energy

1. Li or Be

2. Ca or Ba

3. Na or K

4. P or Ar

5. Cl or Si

6. Li or K

1. Be

2. Ca

3. Na

4. Ar

5. Cl

6. Li


How much heat is required to melt 360 g of solid water?

120240 J

  1. For which element is the largest ionization energy? 

  1. He 

  1. Ne 

  1. Cl 

  1. Xe 

A (#1)


Draw a periodic table and answer the following:

1. outline the metals, nonmetals, metalloids and list their characteristics.

2. How are the transition elements labeled? 

3. What is the alternative way of writing the groups left to right? 

4. Which group has halogens and noble gases? List them. 

1. metals on left, NM on right, metalloids are staircase.

2. in the D block, Labeled B (3B-12B) 

3. Write them 1-18 

4. Halogens column 7 and Noble gases are column 8.


1. draw orbital diagram of Kr, what do you notice about it?

2. Draw orbital diagram Rn?

3. Draw orbital diagram of Ar?


Rank the following elements by increasing atomic radius: Carbon, aluminum, oxygen, and potassium.

O, C, Al, K

what are the conversion factors for heat of fusion and vaporization?

fusion - 80cal/1g H20 or 334J/1g H2O

vaporization - 540cal/1g H20 or 2260J/1g H2O


 Which element has the most metallic character? 

  1. La 

  1. Be 

  1. Ra 

option D (#4)


1. What is an isotope?

2. List the symbol for the isotope:

- 8 protons and 8 neutrons

- 28 protons and 30 neutrons

- atomic #11 and mass #23

- 92 protons and mass # 238

1. different number of neutrons with same protons


- 16/8 O

- 58/28 Ni

- 23/11 Na

- 238/92 U


Complete these specific heat questions:

1. How many Joules of heat are needed to raise the temperature of 10.0 g of aluminum from 22ºC to 55ºC if the specific heat of aluminum is .90J/gºC?

2. To what temperature will a 50.0g piece of glass raise if it absorbs 5275 Joules of heat and its specific heat capacity is .50 J/gºC. The initial temperature of the glass is 20.0ºC

3. what is the calories of heat released if the heat capacity of silver metal is if 0.057 cal/gºC and it weighs 55.00 g while the temperature rises 15.0ºC. (Remember the other way to write specific heat and its units!!)


What is a physical vs chemical property and list the following as with a C or P:

1. Green color

2. Density

3. Flammabilty

4. Solutblity

5. Reacts with acid

6. Supports combusion

7. Sour taste

8. melting point

9. reacts with water

10. hardness

11. boiling point

12. luster

13. odor

14. reacts with air

1. P

2. P

3. C

4. P

5. C

6. C

7. P

8. P 

9. C

10. P

11. P

12. P

13. P

14. C


List the steps of a cooling curve and describe the steep lines vs the flat lines on it. What is the x and y axis of the graph?

Steep lines are specific states while flat lines are transition states. Y axis is temperature in ºC and x axis is heat removed.


Which of the following statements about periodic properties is incorrect?

a. Both electron affinity and ionization energy decrease down a group.

b. Atomic size increases to the right across a period.

c. Ionization energy increases to the right across a period.

d. Atomic size increases down a group.

e. Electron affinity increases to the right across a period. 



1. An element has the following natural abundances and isotopic masses: 90.92% abundance with 19.99 amu, 0.26% abundance with 20.99 amu, and 8.82% abundance with 21.99 amu. Calculate the average atomic mass of this element.

2. What element has 12 protons? What is another name for the number of protons in an element?

3. draw or represent an electromagnetic spectrum and list the important waves. What do shorter wavelengths mean and why does it have that relationship?

1. 20.16 amu

2. Mg, atomic number

3. What do shorter wavelengths mean? - shorter means higher energy radiation and vice versa. More energy given off so higher frequency.


I am running an experiment with acid chloride for an organic chemistry lab. This compound has a boiling point of 201.8 ºC with a heat of fusion of 155 J/g and a heat of vaporization of 611 J/g. How much heat in Joules is required to boil 493 g of acid chloride at 201.8 ºC?

493g * 611 J/g = 301,223 J


List which are the physical or chemical changes or both?

1. An ice cube is placed in the sun. There is a puddle of water later and later on the puddle is gone.

2. A bicycle changes color as it rusts

3. A piece of ice melts and reacts with sodium

4. You blow dry your wet hair

5. In fireworks they explode and give off heat and light.

1. Physical change

2. Chemical change

3. both

4. physical change

5. chemical change


Complete these:

1. For a 500g block of lead (Pb) to melt, how much energy is needed? heat of fusion of lead is 23 J/g and heat of vaporization is 65 J/g?

2. Ethanol (C2H5OH) very easily changes from a liquid to a gas. If 29.34g of ethanol uses 32.23J of energy, what would its heat of vaporization be?

3. In order for 5g liquid Hydrogen to become a solid, 12J of energy must be removed. What is the heat of fusion for the element Hydrogen?

1. 11500 J

2. 1.10 J/g

3. 2.4 J/g


The electronic configuration of the element whose atomic number is 26 is:

a. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s0 3d8 

b. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s2 

c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6 

d. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d4 4p2 

e. none of the above

