What is the subject?
Words of Wisdom
Funny Thing
Stories Told
This "N" That

Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught, “Being _______ in the testimony of Jesus means encouraging others, by word and example, to likewise be _______, especially those of our own families.”

What is "valiant"?


Elder Dale G. Renlund taught, “Comparing ourselves to others can lead us to make pernicious errors, especially if we conclude that we are more __________ than those who are struggling.” 

What is "righteous"?


 Elder Taylor G. Godoy of the Seventy told of a wedding gift he and his wife received from a police officer as they were trying to get the proper documents to get married. This was the gift.

What is a puppy?


Elder Neil L. Andersen shared the story of a woman who told her daughter she wanted to go to the temple with her. The woman’s daughter told her she needed to be baptized first. The woman did get baptized and went to the temple with her daughter, first to do baptisms, then later to receive her endowments. This was the woman's age.

What is 95?


A new presidency was sustained for this Church-wide organization.

What is the Sunday School general presidency?


Elder Paul D. Pieper of the Seventy taught, “______ is the foundation of all relationships… A relationship forms only when people are willing to place ______ in each other.” [same word]

What is "trust"?


Sunday School General President Mark L. Pace taught, “As we study the Book of Mormon and follow the living prophet, there will be no personal _________ in our lives.” 

What is "apostasy"?


Newly called apostle, Elder Patrick Kearon, made the joke that behind every new apostle stands this.

What is an astonished mother-in-law?


Elder Dale G. Renlund told a story to illustrate that building spiritual momentum as we live the gospel of Jesus Christ helps individuals avoid falling when adversarial waves hit. The story was about this.

What is... Elder Renlund and his family were kayaking to an island in Hawaii. He was far ahead of his wife and daughter so he stopped to wait for them. While he was stopped a wave flipped his kayak over. Twice! Their guide had to come and help him and tow him.


The conference messages of these two members of the First Presidency were pre-recorded. 

Who are President Henry B. Eyring and President Russell M. Nelson?


Elder Steven R. Bangerter of the Seventy taught, “Our Heavenly Father desires to reveal to you your personal ______________, and He will do so as you seek to learn and follow His will.”

What is "foreordination"?


Elder Jose L. Alonso of the Seventy taught, "Adopting this Christ-centric perspective empowers us with the fortitude and insight to turn our trials into _________, reminding us that with the Savior, what seems like a major problem can become a pathway to greater spiritual progress." 

What are "victories"?


This is what someone told Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf after his last General Conference talk.

What is “I listened carefully to your talk. I didn’t hear anything about aviation!”?


Elder Shayne M. Bowen said his family was driving home from a ward activity when he swerved to avoid a collision, causing his van to roll with his family inside. He and his wife got their children out through his door which was now on top. Then they realized their 10 year old daughter, Emily, was missing. This is the rest of the story.

Other ward members stopped to help try to find Emily in the dark. Elder Bowen looked in the van with his flashlight and realized Emily was underneath. They were able to get the van off of Emily, but she was blue from not breathing. Elder Bowen gave her a priesthood blessing and she took a shuddering breath. She was in a coma for two days but miraculously had a full recovery. She is now married with six daughters.


Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf talked about these two famous aviation pioneers.

Who are the Wright Brothers OR Orville and Wilbur Wright?


Elder Jack N. Gerard of the Seventy taught that Christian kindness is not a substitute for this.

What is integrity?


Teaching that the foundation of our lives must be connected to the rock of Christ, Elder David A. Bednar said two things can be compared to the anchor pins and steel rods used to connect a building to bedrock. What is one of those two?

What are covenants OR ordinances?


When he asked his wife why they’ve never had major trials in their life, wife of Elder Massimo de Feo of the Seventy replied with this.

What is, "You have a short memory!"


Brother Michael T. Nelson of the Young Men general presidency shared a story from the Book of Mormon that teaches leaders and parents how to strengthen the youth of the Church today.

This is the story.

What is Helaman and the stripling warriors?


Elder Matthew L. Carpenter of the Seventy spoke of the eternal marriage covenant. It includes two types of bonds. This is one of the two.

A lateral bond between husband and wife OR a vertical bond with God.


Elder Ulisses Soares taught, “If there is one thing we could possess — and one thing we could pass on to our children and grandchildren that would help each in the tests and trials ahead — it would be __________ in the covenants made through Jesus Christ.” 

What is "confidence"?


President Jeffrey R. Holland taught, “It's for reasons known only to God why prayers are answered differently than we hope, but I promise you they are _____, and they are ________ according to His unfailing love and cosmic timetable.” [different words]

What are "heard" and "answered"?


Elder Ulisses Soares spoke of a bishop who called the oldest class in Primary a “temple preparation class.” The class was prepared throughout the year by the bishop and their teachers. They were so ready and excited to go to the temple that when they wanted their temple recommends printed and signed was _______.

What is "New Year’s Day at 12:01am"?


President Henry B. Eyring told of attending a sealing for friends in the Idaho Falls temple with his wife. They left their four children with a babysitter 30 minutes away in Rexburg, Idaho. While they were in the sealing they couldn't go back to their children until the next day because this happened.

What is the Teton Dam collapse, which caused severe flooding?


Usually members of the First Presidency conduct sessions of General Conference. This time apostles were asked to conduct three of the sessions. This is one of those Apostles.

Who is Elder Gary E. Stevenson OR Elder Dale G. Renlund OR Elder Quentin L. Cook?
