Saturday Morning
Saturday Afternoon
Saturday Evening
Sunday Morning
Sunday Afternoon

Emily Belle Freeman said "it is the combination of priesthood ordinances along with the keeping of __________ promises that allows us to draw upon God’s power?"


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Elder Kearon said we are members of the church of



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Elder Gerrit W. Gong started his talk with a dad joke. First team to say a good dad joke gets the points

"Growing evidence highlights this striking fact: religious believers are on average happier, healthier, and more fulfilled than those without spiritual commitment or connection. Happiness and life satisfaction, mental and physical health, meaning and purpose, character and virtue, close social relationships, even financial and material stability—on each measure, religious practitioners flourish."


Sister Tracy Y. Browning cited a quote from Elder Uchtdorf that said “asking questions isn’t a sign of weakness,” but rather “it’s a precursor of _________.”


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Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “In other words, Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice are the ____ of our testimony. All other things are branches.”


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Elder Dale G. Renlund  said that "the combination of the gospel of Jesus Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" can be compared to combining nitroglycerin and kieselguhr to make what?



Elder Juan Pablo Villar recalled a memory when he learned that "the ____ that had power over me that summer day, we can feel powerless and want to give in to a stronger fate. Those “malicious _____” could jostle us from side to side. But do not forget who has power over those waves and, in fact, over all things.


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Elder David A. Bednar included a quote from President Benson, who said "The _____________ … was written for our day. The Nephites never had the book; neither did the Lamanites of ancient times. It was meant for us."

Book of Mormon

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President Jeffrey R. Holland said, "Jesus was 'a man of ______' the scriptures say. He experienced sadness, fatigue, disappointment, and excruciating loneliness."


"In these and in all times, Jesus’s love faileth not, and neither does His Father’s. With such mature love—the kind that exemplifies, empowers, and imparts—ours will not fail either."

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What is Brother Wilcox comparing life to?

"When you look around on this ______ called earth, you might see other people sitting in lounge chairs drinking, gambling in casinos, wearing clothing that is too revealing, scrolling endlessly on cell phones, and wasting too much time playing electronic games. But instead of wondering, 'Why can’t I do that?,' you can remember that you are not an ordinary passenger. You are a member of the crew. You have responsibilities that passengers do not have."

cruise ship

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President Dallin H. Oaks said

 "Our experiences in mortality are like the little boy and his father flying a kite on a windy day. As the kite rose higher, the winds caused it to tug on the connecting string in the little boy’s hand. Inexperienced with the force of mortal winds, he proposed to cut the string so the kite could rise higher. His wise father counseled no, explaining that the string is what holds the kite in place against mortal winds. If we lose our hold on the string, the kite will not rise higher. It will be carried about by these winds and inevitably crash to the earth."

What does the string represent?

string represents the covenants that connect us to God, our Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. 

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Elder José A. Teixeira talked about becoming "Salt of the Earth"

Salt is described as "incredibly pure and have a unique, crisp texture." 

Why do you think we are to be "Salt of the Earth?"

vital preservative and a symbol of purity and covenant. 

a pure reflection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Brining out the best (flavor) in other things or people

What things can we do to become the Salt of the Earth?


Elder Jorge M. Alvarado said "Let us not wait for things to get ______ before turning to God."


"Instead, let us now, no matter which part of the covenant path we are on, focus on the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and on Heavenly Father’s desire for us to return to Him. 

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Bishop L. Todd Budge said, “If Jesus Christ sought _____ time to commune with God and to be strengthened by Him, it would be wise for us to do the same.”


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Elder Ronald A. Rasband said, “We hold up the Lord’s light when we hold fast to our _________ and when we support our living prophet.


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Elder Gregorio E. Casillas cites this quote from which church manual?

"as disciples of Christ, we should avoid comparing ourselves to one another. Your spiritual abilities are unique, personal, and innate, and your Heavenly Father wants to help you develop them."

Preach My Gospel

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Elder D. Todd Christofferson referenced the Book of Mormon story where people buried their “weapons of rebellion”. This was both literal and figurative. It meant their swords and other weapons of war but also their disobedience to God and His ______________


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Elder Kyle S. McKay included a scholar's words: “The real resonance of the First Vision today is to know that it’s the nature of God to give to those who lack wisdom. … The God that reveals Himself to Joseph Smith in the sacred grove is a God who answers _______ in times of trouble.”


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Elder Gary E. Stevenson quoted President George Q. Cannon who taught, “God has reserved spirits for this dispensation who have the courage and determination to face the world and all the powers of the evil one [and to] … build up the _____ of our God fearless of all consequences.”


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Elder Quentin L. Cook saw a T shirt that said what?

Books the original handheld device. 

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Who said this quote:

"As we seek to understand and accept God’s will, it is helpful to remember that the boundaries between right and wrong are not for us to define. God has established these boundaries Himself, based on eternal truths for our benefit and blessing."

Elder David P. Homer


In Elder David L. Buckner's talk, what is the difference between how we define "friends" and how Jesus defines "friends"?

Nowhere in holy writ do we hear Him say, “Ye are just my friends.” Rather, He taught that “greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” And “ye are they whom my Father hath given me; ye are my friends.”

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How did Sister Kristin M. Yee compare repentance to her painting experience?

When Sister Yee made a mistake on her painting, the Lord fixed it. The Lord also fixes us when we come to Him

"His mercy... that not only saved the painting but taught me more about His love and power to save each of us from our mistakes, weaknesses, and sins and to help us become something more."

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President Henry B. Eyring said, “I bear witness of the sacred work of teaching Heavenly Father’s children the ____ doctrine of Jesus Christ.”


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What was President Nelson’s main message in his talk?

Prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
