Elder Dale G. Renlund taught us that committing to the savior and his gospel can bring power greater than...
What is...
Elder Ulisses Soares spoke about "Aligning Our will with his"
What was the precious kingdom of heaven likened to?
What is...
What is a "pearl of great price"
Elder Brad Wilcox said...
Being on this Cruise Ship called Earth and being part of Christ's crew means that he has provided you extra help so that you can help others. To help illustrate what he meant,
He shard a quote by Sister Ardeth Kapp "You cannot be a ________if you look like all the other __________".
What is...
Lifeguard & Swimmers
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf made a comparison of our testimony to a tree What things did he compared to the...
1. Roots
2. Branches
What is...
1. Roots- Jesus Christ
2. Branches-Everything Else
Who is
Bradley R Wilcox
Emily Belle Freeman spoke about Priesthood ordinances and covenant promises.
She taugh, it is through a combination of priesthood ordinances and keeping covenant promises that allows us to . what?
What is...
draw upon God's power
Sister Kristen M. Yee, talking about a painting she was working on, recognised that what she thought was a mistake was actually an opportunity to fix and enhance it.
She then related this to how __________ allows us to feel God's love.
What is...
Elder Henry B. Eyring taught that as we teach this principle to those we love "The Holy Ghost will reveal the spirit of truth only as we are cautious and careful not to ........
What is...
go beyond teaching true doctrine
Complete the missing words in each sentence by from Elder Ronald A Rasband's remarks
1. To ______ means to hold up or to give our attending to.
2. We are _________ our support...not voting or predicting if the person will do a good job.
What is...
1. sustain
2.committing, predicting
Which speaker said " hope is a living gift, a gift that grows as we increase our faith in Jesus Christ"
who is Elder Neil L. Andersen
Elder Neil L. Andersen taught, “____ is a living gift, a gift that grows as we increase our faith in Jesus Christ.” What is the gift?
What is Hope
Salt is two elements bound together. Elder Jose A Teixeira taught, "We must be bound with _______if we are going to be the Salt of the earth.
Who is...
The Savior
Gary E Stevenson said
Between now and _____ we will experience events that will result in extraordinary opportunities to serve, unite and introduce the church .... to more people than ever before
What is..
the year 2034
As we study and ponder “The Book of Mormon”, _ Elder David A. Bednar said “We will be blessed with eyes to see, ears to hear, minds to comprehend, and _____ __ ________ the lessons we should learn.”
What is
hearts to understand
Who is Bishop L. Todd Budge
Dallin H. Oaks taught about ways that individuals can proactively make peace and receive blessings .....
"Being a peacemaker does not mean compromising ___ _____... Instead it means not attacking others for their _______ ______"
What is...
1.your morals
2. differing opinions
Elder Patrick Kearon taught The Joy of Peace and even as the storms of life pound us. He said...
In some seasons of life, we may approach __ _______ with heavy hearts and overwhelming loads while at other times, we come free and unburdened from cares and worries.
What is...
What is the sacrament
Bishop L Todd Budge shared the importance of making quality time for the lord. He include in his remarks ....
1. As much as the Lord desires our ________, He will not demand it.
2. What if, in prayer, we spent less time _______ and more time being in His presence
3. It might be that to help “hasten the Lord's work” we might paradoxically need to “slow down” and ______ on the moment
What is...
2. talking
3. focus
Complete the following quotation shared by Elder Quinton L Cook
" Above all, immerse yourself regularly in the Book of Mormon, which will draw the Spirit into your life and _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______"
What is...
"help you discern truth from error"
Who is
Sister Tracy Y Browning
Karl D Hirst taught us that " Divine Love never runs dry, and we are each a cherished favourite.
He said, "Being loved and feeling loved are not
What is...
The same thing"
D. Todd Christofferson said...
I believe it pleases our creator when we do our best to care for his wonderful gift of .......
What is...
a physical body
Elder Brook P. Hales talked about "not being afraid of our enemies". He also added that we often think this might mean a certain human. What else did he list might be something we view as an "enemy"?
What is...
Situations or Trials
Complete the following quote from President Russell M Nelson
I urge you to devote time each week -- for the rest of your life-- __ _____ ______ ______ __ ___ __________ __ _____ ______"
What is
to increase your understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Who share the following quote
"Lived with faith, trials and sacrifices we would never choose can bless us and others in ways never imagined"
Who is...
Elder Gerrit W Gong