According to Elder Cook, in what War was Missionary service limited to one (1) member per family?
What was the Korean War?
Number of Sessions of General Conference
What is five, counting Women's Session
Relief Society
According to Elder Soares, what was the social media Elder Jones used to contact a man named Wes to help him return to church?
What is Facebook?
What is an athletic competition President Nelson recently attended?
What is basketball?
In Elder Hamilton's talk, he used another word for change
What is Repentance?
Number of new Temples announced
What is 17
Neil L Andersen is a member of ????? Quorum?
Quorum of the 12 Apostles?
According to Elder Oaks, who is it that "seeks to oppose progress toward exaltation by distorting marriage, discouraging childbearing or confusing gender"?
Who is Satan?
What does the iron rod represent in Lehi's dream?
What is the word of God?
When President Nelson said " Our Heavenly Father has reserved many of His most noble spirits - His final team - for this final phase, who was he talking about?
Who are the Youth of the Church?
Number of members of the Quorum of the Twelve that spoke in General Conference
What is 12
Henry B. Eyring is the Second Counselor is the ?????
First Presidency
Elder Bednar compared a compass to 2 things that help us point to and remember our connection with Christ. What are they?
What are covenants and ordinances?
How is Fast Offering used?
What is "to help people in need"?
To what Gospel program was Elder Pace referring to when he said, "What is the Holy Ghost teaching me this week...?
What is Come Follow Me?
Number in the Chapter in the Doctrine & Covenants dealing with the Disposition of the Tithes
Doctrine & Covenants 120
D. Todd Christofferson is a member of what Quorum?
Quorum of the 12 Apostles
In the song "Let us all press on" what does "heed mean"?
What is to pay attention to?
In the talk by Sister Aburto she told of a little boy who payed one dollar in tithing. What did he think his one dollar would build?
What is a whole meeting house?
Elder Adrian Ochoa, of the Seventy said " I testify that the Plan of ???? works. It was created by your Heavenly Father, who loves you."
What is Happiness or Salvation?
Number in the First Presidency?
What is three
Elder Michael T. Ringwood is a member Of
the Seventy
Who is "The Word" mentioned by the Apostle John in John 1:1,14?
Who is Jesus Christ?
Elder Andersen talked about being a peacemaker. In the Bible and also in the Book of Mormon we find a sermon by the Savior that includes "Blessed are the peacemakers". What is that sermon called?
What is the Sermon on the Mount?