How many images are in the Long PLAX protocol?
How many photos are in the Aorta Mesenteric Duplex?
15 photos
How many images are in the Upper Arterial Protocol?
13 images
What is the last thing to close in the fetal heart?
The membraneous IVS
What are the four muscles of the rotator cuff?
Supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinates, and tres minor
What is the "Pacemaker of the heart"?
SA Node
What is measured in the Aorta color and doppler image?
What is measured when doppler is on with an UAE protocol?
PSV is the only thing that gets measured
What pairs of Aortic Arches disappear when the heart is formed?
1st, 2nd, and 5th pairs disapear
What tendon on the arm goes through a "tunnel"?
The proximal bicep tendon
What is measured in the PLAX Diastolic image?
Interventicular septum, left ventricle, right ventricle, and posterior wall of LV.
How many images are in the liver protocol?
15 images
What side is the ulna on?
It is on the pinky finger or medial side of the arm
Which side of the heart is the "primary" or "strongest" side in an unborn fetus?
The right side
What is the most injury prone rotator cuff muscle?
What does RVIT stand for, and how many pictures/clips are of it?
Right Ventricle inflow track, 3 clips/images
How do you confirm you are on the CBD?
You turn on the color and hope it does not fill up.
What does the right subclavian artery arise from?
The brachiocephalic or innominate artery.
What does the ductus arteriosus becume after birth?
It becomes the ligamentum arteriosus
What is a "reverse popeye sign"?
A distal bicep tendon tear/ rupture
What does the AV node do?
It delays impulses long enough for the ventricles to fill with blood before transmitting.
Is the pancreas and endocrine or exocrine gland?
It is both
Yes or no, when preforming an UAE exam do the ulna and radial arteries get a 2D image?
No they do not get a 2D image.
What acts as a speed bump in the fetal heart? (It directs where blood in the RA goes)
The crista dividens
What is the positions name when scanning a patient's shoulder?
Modified crass position