What are the phone call expectations when grounded?
one five minute phone call per day
How long is room time?
1 hour
What can you not have in personals?
Caffeine, metal cans, glass, excessive sugar
When can I do my laundry?
On my laundry day or a free day
How long are you usually on status for?
1 month
If you're grounded when can you have personals?
You can't!
What can you do during room time?
stay in your room or do hygiene
How often do we get new personal snacks?
once a month
What are dorm chore expectations?
You complete them every day but Sunday, if you refuse your chore you're grounded
How do you transition from buildings when on status?
What happens if you get grounded on third shift or at school?
It gets added to your dorm groundings, extending your time
Who can be in your room during room time?
When can you have personals?
Friday Night or Saturday IF YOU ARE NOT GROUNDED
When is deep clean?
Saturday mornings
can you go outside when on status?
NO! you can't be in the backyard unless multiple supervisors are present with you
What privileges do you have while grounded?
Can you make a phone call during room time?
what happens if I don't have my own personals?
choose from dorm personal snack instead OR you can have a regular dorm snack
What happens if I miss my laundry day?
What until there is an open day, set an outfit out at night for third shift to wash
What happens if you try to run while being hooked?
it turns into SCM and your AWOL time is extended
There are three different levels of groundings. How long is each one and what are you grounded for on that level?
2 days - basic grounding
3 days - if you require support or assistance but no SCM
4 days - physical aggression, SCM
What happens if you keep coming out of your room during room time?
When you get personals, what can you have?
one snack and one drink
What are big chore expectations?
Deep clean room according to the sheet, deep clean chore according to the sheet
What can you do on status?
stay in the dorm or designated indoor activities on campus (ie gym, fitness room)