This resource can aid to remember steps to complete when moving patients.
What is the Patient Movement Workflow Guide?
This area of education is used to document learning styles and needs.
What is the Learning Assessment?
Expected End Dates are the first thing seen when the Care Plan activity is opened for the first time. True or False
Search for new orders here.
What is the Manage Orders Sidebar.
Active Lines are listed in this report along with medications.
What is the Due Meds report?
Orders that are signed by the provider prior to an encounter or a phase of care.
What are "Signed and Held Orders?"
Once documented, education crosses encounters. True or False
Previous documentation can be viewed under the All tab.
The three parts of a Care Plan.
Template, Problem, Goal.
Used when placing an order within independent scope of practice.
What is "No cosign required."
To have more accurate information available in accordion reports and the volume calculator, Inpatient nurses should document this for IV infusions.
What are stop times.
Signed and Held Orders can be released by the nurse at anytime.
These orders should not be released until the patient location has been updated in Epic and the patient is in your unit (can see the whites of their eyes).
Use this to add a specific piece of education.
What is a Point?
A Point is added to a Topic, which falls under a Title.
Smartphrases cannot be used in the Care Plan when there are *** (wildcards) present. True or False
To view an order placed as part of an order set, use this filter in the Orders activity.
What is Order Set filter
Allows clinicians to verify the rate of running infusions and document the total volume based on the last rate documented.
What is Rate Verify All.
These medications are items a patient was on before admitting to the hospital and both the nurse and provider are prompted in their respective navigators to complete the medication reconciliation process.
What are "Prior to Admission Meds."
Use this when education is complete or does not need follow up at future encounters.
What is Resolve?
What is when a patient is discharged and at least one problem per shift.
When placing a RN protocol in Florida, use this order mode.
What is verbal.
True or False. Infusion groups are automatically added to flowsheets by the order for an IV medication.
The process to document an allergy the patient reports that is not available in the list of allergies in the Admission navigator.
Nurse should create a progress note and document the allergy reported, by whom, and any reactions stated.
The default options in documenting how education is taught are Patient, Acceptance, Explanation and ________________.
What is Able to Teach Back.
The area in a Care Plan goal to document individualized steps to care for a problem.
What is Patient Specific Interventions.
To see any previous documentation when a nurse has previously filled out a protocol select this button from the documentation sidebar.
What is Last Filed.
A PCA pump is first documented in the MAR and then in the IV assessment flowsheet template. True or False
If is documented in the MAR and then the I/O Flowsheet template.