What's the name of the place you go to see exotic land animals?
The Zoo
A spider has 9 legs.
False, a spider has 8 legs
If you are feeling this, you might smile and your body will feel calm.
How many wheels does a tricycle have?
What planet is closest to the sun?
What state is famous for producing Hollywood movies?
An elephant is the tallest land animal in the world.
False, a giraffe can grow up to 19 feet tall
If you are feeling this, your heart might beat faster or your thoughts might race.
What do bees make that humans eat?
What was the first animal to go into space?
A dog
This place has a lot of sand and some people collect sea shells here.
The Beach
An ostrich is the fastest land animal.
False, a cheetah can run up to 70 miles per hour
If you are feeling this, your body might feel hot, heart is racing, and feel like yelling.
What does a thermometer measure?
What do you call animals that eat both plants and meat?
What place usually has goats, cows, and horses?
A Farm
A cat uses its whiskers to see if it can fit into small holes.
True, never cut a cat's whiskers
If something unexpected happens, you might feel this emotion.
What are the three primary colors that all other colors can be made from? (does not include black or white)
Red, Yellow and Blue
What bone protects your brain?
The skull