Abbreviations & Acronyms
Ranks & Titles
Slogans & Mottos

Shortened words for addresses or locations

What is St, BLVD, Hwy, Rd, Ave, Ste, Apt, Mt


A yearly event awards featuring best movies, performances etc

What are the Academy Awards, commonly and now officially known as the Oscars, are awards for artistic and technical merit for the film industry 


These are common titles for most people

What is 

  • Mr. – Adult man (regardless of marital status)
  • Ms. – Adult woman (regardless of marital status)
  • Mrs. – Married Adult woman (includes widows and divorcées)
  • Miss – Unmarried Adult Woman or Female child.
  • Master – Male Child.
  • Madam (also Madame and Ma'am) – Formal form of address for an adult woman

After a big turkey or chicken dinner people have to wait a few days before they can do this

What is  Make a wish on a wishbone 

This company has the famous motto "Just do it"

What is Nike


Shortened forms when you are converting distances from imperial to metric

What is miles to km, inches to cm, yards to M


 An award given to recognize outstanding achievements in the music industry

What is a Grammy


The names given to one who controls the ship

What is a captain - The person in charge of a ship or boat is the skipper. Another word for the skipper is the "captain," but skipper is so much more fun to say. Skipper is an informal name for the captain, a way to address the person who's at the helm of a boat or in command of a Navy ship


The term knock on wood is usually done for this reason

What is Express a wish that something will or will not occur


When you care enough to send the very best (think special occasions)

What is Hallmark


When someone tells you FYI and you LOL

What is For your information and laugh out loud


The Emmys are an extensive range of awards for artistic and technical merit for this industry

What is the American and international television industry


This is the highest ranking job title (not political job)

What is a CEO


This superstition seems to arise from the belief that mirrors don't just reflect your image; they hold bits of your soul.

What is, According to folklore, breaking a mirror is a surefire way to doom yourself to seven years of bad luck. The number seven is often associated with luck. Seven years is a long time to be unlucky, which may be why people have come up with counter-measures to free themselves after breaking a mirror. These include touching a piece of the broken mirror to a tombstone or grinding the mirror shards into powder.


KFC or Kentucky Fried Chicken says this

What is Finger Lickin’ Good


On your computer, for banking etc you need a PIN

What is Personal Identification number


This Award for Excellence in Broadway Theatre recognizes excellence in live Broadway theatre

What is the Tony Award


These are some other synonyms for woman?

What is (With a little help looking up on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary), some synonyms for “female” include: girl, lady, colleen, lass, damsel, vixen, woman, queen, and feminine.


the superstition about the number 3

What is 

The phrase "Third time's the charm" refers to the superstition that after two failures in any endeavor, a third attempt is more likely to succeed. This is also sometimes seen in reverse, as in "third man [to do something, presumably forbidden] gets caught". Luck, especially bad luck, is often said to "come in threes".


Snap! Crackle! Pop! was coined by this cereal company

What is Rice Krispies


You need to be somewhere and they ask you your ETA

What is estimated time of arrival


An American awards show, recognizing people in entertainment, voted online by the general public and fans. The show has been held annually since 1975, with the winners originally determined using Gallup Polls until a switch to online voting in 2005

What is The People's Choice Awards 


Some of the traditional nobility titles are

What are: 
In descending order, the traditional nobility titles are: Emperor/Empress, King/Queen, Grand Duke/Grand Duchess, Prince/Princess, Duke/Duchess, Marquess/Marchioness, Earl/Countess, Viscount/Viscountess, and Baron/Baroness


This is something that makes promises or warns that something bad will happen if you ignore it

What is a A chain letter (or the more-modern form, the chain email) is a form of superstition or scam wherein people are convinced that they need to copy, forward, or pass on a letter or email or else they will either suffer bad consequences or miss out on a reward. There are various versions, some resembling a pyramid scheme and others more vaguely promising good or bad luck depending on whether instructions are followed.

More generally, forwarding by mail, fax, email, social media, or communications apps (such as WhatsApp) is a common way of spreading urban legends and other rumors, some harmless but others with very serious consequences.



The quicker picker upper is the motto for this company 

What is Bounty
