Famous People

The snappy jingle for this brand was..."The best part of waking up is _______ in your cup!"

What is Folgers?


This tree is a popular hardwood and produces acorns. 

What is an Oak Tree?


The largest land carnivore but also considered a Marine Mammal. Look for me in the in in very cold climates like Alaska. My favorite dish is a baby seal.

What is a Polar Bear?


This US State shares borders with Louisiana, Arkansas, New Mexico and Oklahoma.  On its flag,  is one star.  

What is Texas?


Played opposite Vivien Leigh as a fine southern gentleman named Rhett Butler.  

Who is Clark Gable?


This add claimed their product could help alleviate symptoms of colds, flu, and hangovers with this jingle.

"Plop, plop, fizz, fizz! Oh.what a relief it is!"

What is Alka Seltzer?


The flower's name means "Noble White" and is the title of a familiar song title in a musical starring Julie Andrews.  Found in the Alpines and snowy places.

What are Edelweiss?


This large bird has eyes that are bigger than its brain and although it flightless, it can run as fast as 45 MPH on land. 

What is an Ostrich?


Eight presidents claimed me as their home.  I am on the coast and the Chesapeake Bay. Visit the mountains or the home of James Madison while you are here.

What is Virginia?


Nicknamed "Duke"  I starred in many Western films such as  The Searchers, True Grit and Stage Coach. 

Who is John Wayne?


This cereal was represented by three elflike characters, Snap, Crackle and Pop.

What are Rice Krispies?


Located in Northern Wisconsin,  350 shipwrecks have been recorded on these waters. It is the largest of its kind in the world, but its not a river or an ocean.  

What is Lake Superior?


I am a cousin of a pigeon and a symbol of peace. A shower and body-care cosmetic company is named after me? 

What is a Dove?


A piece of land completely surrounded my water. Crete as a well as Australia are examples of this land features

What is an island?


Scottish-born actor who was the first James Bond. Other films he starred in were From Russia with Love and Goldfinger.  He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II on July 2000.

Who is Sean Connery?


In the 1970s, countless children  were counting their licks when eating this popular lollipop because the commercial asked the following question. 

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a _______  _____?

What is Tootsie Pop?


You won't see my 7500 varieties at the grocery store, and although I'm a seasonal fruit and harvested in the fall, you can enjoy me year round. If you want to make a pie, be sure to purchase at least two pounds because I shrink in the oven.

What is an Apple?


 A symbol of peace as well as the name of a soap. I have wings and sometimes have a first name "Mourning"

What is a dove?


The land of pasta and pizza as well as a tower that leans.  If my borders were traced, you would see that I look like a boot.

What is Italy?


An actress who  played a crazy accident-prone, lovable housewife of a Cuban band leader.. Her stand out features were red hair and blue eyes.  

Who is Lucille Ball?


"Where's the beef?"

This was the big question ask by this franchise that served square burgers. 

What is Wendy's?


I am the fastest growing plant on Earth, growing up to 3 feet/day. I am breakfast, lunch and dinner for Pandas.

What is Bamboo?


Known as  'King of the Jungle" and on everyone's "must see" list at the zoo or on safari.  My pride are my closest relatives.

What is a Lion?


Located in the Eastern US, there are coastal towns that stretch on for miles.  Our current President calls it home.  For all Americans, it came first.

What is Delaware?


In The Sound of Music, this actor played opposite of Julie Andrews as a Captain in the Austrian military and the widowed father of seven children. 

Who is Christopher Plummer?
