Mental Health Conditions
Psy Aspects Phy Dis
Abnormal Psy
Substance Abuse

Which mental disorder is characterized by a loss of contact with reality, disturbances in thought and bizarre behavior?



What is the term which is described as "the loss or abnormality of psychological, physical or anatomical structure or function at the system or organ level that may or may not be permanent?



When an individual disobeys societal standards for destructive behavior according to the definition of “abnormal” what is this describing??

Violation of social norms


What are some treatment which utilizes the following four main parts: learning about symptoms, becoming aware of thoughts and feelings, learning skills, and understanding changes in beliefs.?

Cognitive Processing


Substance abuse by the mother may be associated with later abuse. This is known as:?

Biomedical factors


Which mental disorder that involves physical symptoms such as pain or fatigue but lack a physical basis and may not be medically explained?

Somatic symptom disorder


What is the coping strategy where an individual learns to counteract functional limitations in one area by becoming stronger or more proficient in another:?



Poverty, homelessness, overcrowding, or stressful living conditions are examples of which risk factor??

Sociocultural factors


_____________ is a response to shocking and emotionally overwhelming situations that may involve (or threaten) death, serious injury, or physical integrity.?

Traumatic Stress


During group counseling, your client complains that he cannot have fun without a beer in his hand. In order to improve his occupational performance in leisure, you will have to educate him on:?

Learning to relax without drugs or substances


A Soldier who joined the Army and has completed the first three weeks of basic training at Fort Benning, GA. Prior to joining the Army he never travelled far from her home town and never outside the state. The Soldier has been late to formation the past three days and she was a party to an altercation with another Basic Trainee. He complains of missing his family, feeling "very stressed-out" and wants to quit the Army and go home. What maladaptive disorder is this soldier likely exhibiting?

Adjustment disorder


A soldier suffered a myocardial infarction two months ago and his doctor recommended he change his diet and stop smoking because he is at high risk for another heart attack. Once he was released from the hospital, he immediately began to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day and resumed his high fat diet. He has continually disregarded the medical recommendations and recently he said, “I won’t have another heart attack. The doctor is just trying to scare me.”?



Immature, mentally ill, abusive or criminal parents, poor child disciple, severe relationship problems are examples of which risk factor?

Family factors


Assisting people with emotional distress resulting from an accident, injury or sudden shocking event is a:?

Psychological First Aid


The best description of a flat affect is:?

A dull monotone voice


This theoretical model for explaining mental disorders states that there are malfunctioning portions of the brain and imbalances in various neurotransmitters?



What is the criteria of a mental disorder which is described as, “a behavior that is different from the majority of the population”.?



Maria is a 45 year old female who is married and has three children. She has been seeing a psychiatrist because she worries about everything. She cannot control her worrisome thoughts about finances, her children’s health, caring for her home, dinner, shopping, and her friendships. She has been experiencing irritability, muscle tension, and difficulty falling asleep for the past year.
What diagnosis do you expect to see on Cindy’s chart??

Anxiety Disorder


An event or series of events that causes moderate to severe stress reactions is called:?

Traumatic event


Cognitive Therapy seeks to modify an individual’s negative thoughts by:?

Changing one’s thinking pattern


This psychological milestone, that includes “developing a sense of trust in others and a sense of autonomy” which has an impact on disability, is relevant in disability affecting:?



What is the criteria of a mental disorder which is described as "a behavior or thinking that makes it difficult to function, adapt to the environment and to meet life demands".?



John is a 23 year old active duty male who was admitted to the psychiatric hospital after he was talking incoherently and claiming that his unit was devising a plan to implant spiders in his brain. He also has diminished emotional expression.
What diagnosis do you expect to see on John’s chart??



Dissociative symptoms are common after:?

Acute and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


If you wanted to assess an individual’s money management skills the most appropriate assessment to utilize would be:?

The KELS (Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills)
