What two primary colors can be mixed to make purple?
Red and blue
Every New Year's Eve, between one and two tons of this is dropped in New York's Times Square.
How many stars are on the American flag?
Which famous British playwright wrote "Romeo and Juliet?"
What is the Japanese art of folding paper called?
How many months of the year have 31 days?
What planet is closest to Earth?
What does KFC stand for?
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection?
Charles Darwin
In what year did World War II end?
What do the following numbers have in common: 2, 17, 29, and 31?
They are prime numbers.
Which city was buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD?
Mount Kilimanjaro is located on which continent?
How long is a millennium?
1000 years
Simone Biles is widely considered the greatest athlete of all time in which sport?
Who was the longest-reigning monarch of England?
Queen Elizabeth II
Which famous proclamation went into effect on New Year's Day, 1863?
The Emancipation Proclamation
Who famously said, "The time is always right to do what is right?"
Martin Luther King, Jr.
What sport uses terms like "spare" or "strike?"
What is both a city and a state in the USA?
Washington OR New York
What is a group of crows called?
A murder
What is the scientific name for the Northern Lights?
Aurora borealis
A "bibliophile" is someone who loves...
At what temperature does water boil?
100 degrees Celsius OR 212 degrees Fahrenheit
What year was the very first model of the iPhone released?