Name a famous Polish football player who currently plays for FC Barcelona
How many zeros are in a one a thousand?
Name 2 European countries
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland. France, England, Spain
Name the country where tea is originally from.
What is the chemical symbol for water?
Name the process where a solid turns into a liquid
What is melting?
What is the fastest LAND animal?
Frreeee beeeeeeee
pick another questions
Name a south American Country
Hint- think of where Messi is from
Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Chile
Nike, reebok, Lu Lu Lemon, Levi's ect
What does a thermometer measure?
How many legs does a spider have?
What does KFC stand for?
Kentucky Fried Chicken
What country has the largest population?
Which artist sings the song Butter
Which country is also a continent?
What is Australia?
What is the national bird of the USA?
Hint-think Bald
In which sport is the Stanley Cup awarded?
What's the famous phrase for getting candy on Halloween?
Trick or treat
What is the capital city Greece?
Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington
In which country does the Pope live?
Italy- Vatican City
Name 2 Female singers
taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Olivia Rodrigo, Lady Ga Ga
What sport uses a racket?
Badminton, tennis
Name 3 types of ice cream?
Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Mint, Tiger, Bubblegum
Name 3 breeds of dogs?
German Shepard, Tibeten Mastiff, Dalmation, Chihuahua, Pug ect
Which continent do giraffes come from?
Name 3 of Santas Reindeer?
Name an avenger character?
1. Iron Man · 2. Thor · 3. Hank Pym · 4. Wasp · 5. Hulk · 6. Captain America · 7. Hawkeye · 8. Quicksilver ect.
What is the Japanese art of folding paper called?
Name the longest river in the world
What is the Nile River
What two continents are elephants found on?
Africa and Asia
Name a type of monkey
Gorrilla, Chimpanzee, Ape
What is the closest star to earth?
The sun
Name an animal found in the Chinese Zodiac?
Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.