What is the capital of Australia?
Name 3 ocean animals:
Octopus, Shark, whale, dolphin, crab, starfish, lobster, fish.
How many zeros are in the number 1 million?
6, 1 000 000
In what sport do you use your feet, and only goalies can use their hands?
Football, soccer
How many legs does a spider have?
What is the capital of England?
Name 3 farm animals:
Horse, pig, cow, chicken, sheep, duck...
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
How many players are on the field of a football, soccer match at the beginnning.
What is the worlds tallest mountain?
Mount everest
Name 2 reptiles:
Crocodiles, snakes, lizards, turtles and tortoises.
Name the country where tea is originated from?
What is the distance of a marathon?
How many hours in a week?
168 hours
What is the capital of the Netherlands?
Name 3 types of birds:
Geese, ducks, robbins, ostrich, blue jays, crows, magpies, chickadees, pidgeon, ibis, parrot
What is the longest river in the world?
The Nile
What country has won the most cricket World Cups?
Largest ocean on earth:
Pacific ocean
What is the capital of Canada?
Name 5 insects:
Beetel, ant, grasshopper, buttefly, cockroach, cricket, bee, etc.
Who was the first person to step on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
What country has won the most rugby World Cups?
New zealand and South Africa
Name all the colours of the rainbow in order:
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet