What is 7+3x4?
What bird represents the United States?
The Bald Eagle.
What color is Periwinkle?
About how many lightning strikes occur in the United States each year? 100.000; 500,000; 2,000,000 or 40,000,000?
What is the name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story?
Which is the Prime Number: 4,6,9,11 or 14?
What animal is America's national animal?
The American Bison.
What color is Chartreuse?
Lime green.
The coldest place on Earth is the East Antarctic Plateau In Antarctica. How cold does it get? -10.5 F; -97.9 F; -135.8 F or -203.5 F?
What gas do plants produce?
What is 3 to the 3rd power?
What is the largest mammal on Earth?
The Blue Whale.
What color is Fushia?
A bright pinkish purple.
How much does the average cloud weigh?
1 million pounds.
What is the only U.S. state made up entirely of islands?
What is 4 to the 5th power in expanded form?
What continent has the most poisonous animals?
What color is Burgundy?
A dark red.
During a thunderstorm do you hear the thunder or see the lightening first?
Lightening, because light travels faster than sound.
Which athlete has the most medals in Olympic history?
Michael Phelps.
What is 4x [(3x7) - (4x2)] ?
What are a group of sharks called?
A Shiver of sharks.
What color is Indigo?
A combination of blue and violet.
What galaxy does Earth belong to?
The Milky Way.
What metal is liquid at room temperature?