What is ACT IV?
Crew drills
What is CVC?
Combat Vehicle Crewman
How many engagements are there during Table VII or Table VIII
Bonus: what type of engagements are they?
Extra Bonus: How many engagements does TC conduct? what about Gunner?
10 engagements.
Bonus: 5 CFT, 5 M3P
Extra: TC conducts 4, Gunner conducts 6
A Missile Round consist of?
The Launch tube assembly and missile
How long is the Stinger missile?
Bonus: How much does it weight?
59.5 in
Bonus: 36.1lbs
What is ACT I?
Avenger & Stinger PMCS, components, functions, and operations.
What is AAA?
Bonus: Name the type of AAA
Air Avenue of Approach.
Most deadly, Most likely, and Least Likely
AGST must be conducted no more than ____ days prior to Table VI
30 days
The Weapon round consist of?
missile round, grip stock, IFF with cable, and one or more BCU
What is the load/reload time for eight missile?
Bonus: What about in MOPP4?
6 minutes
Bonus: 7 minutes in MOPP4
Platoon Operation Evaluation. semi-annual
What is DAGR?
Defense Advance GPS Receiver
What is Dud?
Bonus: What do you do during a Dud?
When the launch motor ignites, but the flight motor fails to kick in.
Bonus: Call up to OIC, drive off the range and wait for 60 minutes, then return and carry the dud missile to the dud pit. Elevate the missile at least 20 degree, mark the dud pit and keeps eyes on it until EOD arrived.
BCU Thermal Battery can get up to ___ degrees outside and ___ degrees inside
400, 800
The Missile exhaust contains amount of ____ gas, which may cause eye and throat irritation if personnel are exposed
Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)
Rehearsal of Annual Service Practice
What is METT-TC
Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, Time, and Civil Consideration
How to tell if you did the 2 clicks correctly?
1. You cycle the rounds with Arm, Safe, Arm.
2. Safe the weapon, a round drop into the Brass/Link Collector
The BCU contains a Heat Insulated Cao, Molded case assembly, four contact rings, an argon injection needle, heat sensitive indicator, and ____
Burst Disc Diaphragm
What is the entire name of the TM for the Avenger?
What are the Critical Gate for ACT and AGT?
Tactical Operations Center
How to clear the M3P off the range?
2. Open feed tray cover, swipe out any link inside
3. Open the Brass/Link Collector, while looking underneath call Arm/Safe/Arm to verify no rounds is inside the chamber
4. Close the feed tray cover in ARM
5. Safe the weapon, pull the Gun CB, weapon is cleared.
What does the Avenger use to receive near real-time battlefield situation awareness?
The missile ejected from the launch tube coast for a short distance of ____ ft and then is propelled in flight by the flight motor
28 ft.