A blue whale weighs about as much as this many elephants.
What is 3?
The average adult's brain weighs around this many pounds.
What is 3?
Popsicles were created by this aged human.
What is a child?
The temperature when you are playing baseball will determine this.
What is how far the ball flies?
The bowler hat was invented for this reason.
What is a safety measure?
This is the only animal that can't jump.
What is an elephant?
The average adult has this many taste buds.
What is 2000 - 4000?
Tea bags were created for this reason.
What is an accident?
Michael Jordan makes more money in this company than the workers.
What is nike?
Stop signs used to be this color.
What is yellow?
It takes a sloth this long to digest it's food.
What is 2 weeks?
Your sense of smell is this much more sensitive than your sense of taste.
What is 10,000
This is the rarest type of carrot in the world.
What is a white carrot?
Softball was introduced in the olympics in this decade.
What is the 90s?
This type of "girls" shoes were originally worn by boys.
What is high heels?
The heart of a shrimp is located here.
What is a head?
You can produce this much saliva per year.
What is two bathtubs full?
Pennsylvania is this food capital of the world.
What is a mushroom?
This sport was banned in england in 1457.
What is Golf?
It takes this many licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop.
What is 364?
A snail can sleep for this long.
What is 3 years?
The average human has this many eyelashes.
What is 90 - 150 on their lower lid & 70 - 80 on their lower lid?
Arachibutyrophobia is this food fear.
What is getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth?
The oldest continuous trophy sports is this.
What is the America's cup?
A chef's hat has this many pleats.
What is 100?