Cory Booker
New Jersey
The 2000 movie version of this TV show added "Viva Rock Vegas" to the title
The Flintstones
The knot called this hitch or bend is used to ensure your boat's rope stays attached to a certain heavy object
Someone at the top is this monarch, the title of an animated sitcom
King of the Hill
Irony alert: owners of a Noah's Ark replica in Kentucky sued insurers for not covering damage done by this 4-letter word
Marco Rubio
"Nemesis" & "First Contact" are films based on "Star Trek: The Next Generation", with Patrick Stewart reprising this role
Picard says a half this "is medium in size, nearly symmetrical &... produces a deep & substantial dimple"
A Windsor
A course of action with the potential for greater difficulties is this alliterative downhill course
A Slippery Slope
In 1985 the Cubs' speedy Davey Lopes had 47 of these, failing only 4 times--not bad for a 40-year-old!
Stolen Base
Mitt Romney, but it's not the state he governed
This actor took on the role of Dr. Richard Kimble, innocent & on the run in the film version of "The Fugitive"
Harrison Ford
It's similar to a noose knot & is used as the first loop in knitting; it's also a Corey Taylor metal band
Slip Knot
To do this means to exaggerate a problem into something much larger
Make a mountain out of a molehill's "Key to Soothing Fussy Infants" is to mimic this place; "Swaddling... may trigger a calming reflex"
The Womb
Ben Sasse, of the western Midwest
In 2 film versions of a TV sitcom, Shelley Long played this character
Carol Brady
A type of double overhand knot used in fishing is named for this kind of doctor
Reaching one's highest level of efficiency; you don't want to be doing it "too soon"
Here's the Appennine Colossus, Giambologna's 16th century statue in this region of Italy that includes Pisa & Florence
Tim Kaine, who ran for vice president; remember that?
Futuristic assassin Aeon Flux, who started on an animated series on MTV, came to the movies played by this actress
Charlize Theron
Improperly tied, this type of knot is called a granny knot
Square Knot
Be flexible: "If the mountain won't come to" this prophet, he "must go to the mountain"
Looking like they're sent from heaven, a translucent sea this can stay attached to a mate for four hours & still hunt prey together
Sea Angel