High Schools
Middle Schools
Case Management
Who Is That?

Empowering everyone to live their American Dream

What is HUF's vision?


Leadership, Enrichment and Academy Pursuits is used as an acronym for this program.

What is LEAP High?


Friends, Opportunities, Resources, Counseling, Education is used as an acronym for this program.

What is Youth FORCE?


This should occur within 2 weeks of youth registering for program.

What is an Initial Assessment?


Has Lebanese ancestry and was known to have gone by the name of Ramia before getting married

Who is Elizabeth Dorante?


This Funder has been our affiliate for years... and we collaborate great together. Currently they fund CASA Code in one of our middle schools and STEAM For All at one of our high schools.

Who is UnidosUS?


This happened more than 39 years ago in 1982.

When was HUF founded?


These 2 schools will operate 6 hours for the Summer.

What are Deerfield Beach and Miramar High?


This school will operate only 4 hours for the Summer Program.

What is McNicol School?


Success Coaches will work with youth to create this to identify specific strategies and action steps to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.  

What is an ISP (Individualized Service Plan)?


Since being at HUF, almost 3 years...this individual has gotten married, now has 2 babies and recently bought a home. If you know her well, you will also know that while still in NJ, she used to find 4-leaf clovers, iron them in wax paper and give them to her loved ones. 

Who is Emily 'Doyle' Morell?


This agency partners with the CSC and offers the youth the opportunity to apply for SYEP (Summer Youth Employment Program).

What is Career Source?


HUF’s English Classes take place at 5811 Johnson Street Hollywood, FL 33021 or better known as...

What is Casa Sanjuan Education Center?  


These career exploration sessions are offered for students in preparation for either internship or employment opportunities this summer.

What is Career Bound?


This questionnaire is required three times a year.

What is the Youth Behavior and Life Choices Survey?


Meetings that occur with School Administration, Guidance Counselors, Teachers, and other community supports on behalf of youth.

What are Billable Services?


Met her beloved Caribbean husband in a movie theater. 

Who is Maritzabel Rivera-James?


This agency facilitated virtual workshops to all 7 schools bringing Alcohol and Marijuana awareness to the forefront.

Who is the Hanley Foundation?


Not many know him as Luis, or know he started as a client at HUF; moving the scale, surpassing expectations and reaching high standards...Felipe's next endeavor this December 2021 includes 

Who will be HUF's new CEO/President?


The CSC monitors this PM (Performance Measure) outcome through SAMIS.

What is a Credit Recovery?


This Pre-Test needs to be completed within 3 weeks of youth's enrollment.

What is a PYDI (Positive Youth Development Inventory)?


These should have the who, what, when, where and how summarized in at least 2 sentences in the subject line. 

What are Daily Logs?


Has 2 daughters and 2 fur babies-her husband loves plants and has converted her balcony into an oasis.

Who is Gisa Sabbat?


This is a supplemental funding provided for prevention activities. 

Who is LETF (Law Enforcement Trust Funds)?


In this year, HUF purchases vacant Social Security Administration office in Hollywood and moves to its current location. Support from City of Hollywood Commissioners makes purchase possible. 

What is 1993?


During the Summer program referred to in our contract by "non school day", 1 billable unit of attendance is defined as this

What are 2 hours of academic or enrichment programming?


This school was just awarded as an additional site through an RFP. 

What is Pines Middle School?


Success Coach when assessing family needs will meet with parent/guardian to ask difficult questions on income and expenses and gather back up information for this. 

What is a Financial Assessment?


Considers herself Colombian but was actually born in Puerto Rico. 

Who is Norma Sambra?


Gave the youth the opportunity to explore careers, talk financial sources, how to select a college, importance of starting early, and allowed participation in virtual college tours.

Who is YV (YouVisit)?


Education; Economic Development; Citizenship, Naturalization and Civic Engagement.

What are HUF's Programs


During the After School program referred to in our contract by "afterschool day", 1 billable unit of attendance is defined as this

What is 1 hour of academic or enrichment programming?


These weekly group sessions will be offered by a certified facilitator for a minimum of 1 hr./day for 25 weeks using an evidenced based curriculum. 

What is TOP (Teen Outreach Program)?


Gift cards with a limited monetary value of $25

What is a form of Incentive?


When younger, this person used to perform in theaters.

Who is Maritza Gil?


We have acquired this as a supplemental funding for STEAM for one of our high schools. 

Who is City of Hollywood?


Coming to HUF from the Golden State with over 20 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, and will be filling this position. 

Who is VP of Programs?


These are some of the topics covered in this political forum for students- a youth voice initiative. "The Impact of COVID in Broward County Elections"; "Have We Done Enough? America's Long Overdue Awakening to Systemic Racism" 

What is Dinner at the Square?


The CSC monitors that providers enter JJIS (Juvenile Justice Information System) findings into SAMIS.

What are Law Violations?


One time Emergency Assistance to families of youth registered in our programs to cover basic needs in the form of payment for: Utility Bills, Groceries/Household items; Mortgage/Rent

What are Flex Funds?


Grew up with family living in the same block.

Who is Ednise Sainval?


This year "Career Day" was done virtually, however, this is usually provided at this establishment in person.

What is Broward College?


This HUF program has a National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA).

What is the Unity 4Kids Preschool?


These category appears in LEAP High contract's Program Design as "Career Counseling/Employability Skills Development" under what is known as what kind of chart 

What is the "Service Delivery Chart"?


These schools will offer Before and After School experiences for SY 2021-2022.

What are Apollo and Pines Middle?


This form should be submitted along with registration. 

What is a Consent Form?


CANNOT even begin to think straight without having had her iced coffee first.

Who is Magdianis "Maggie" Martinez?


3 years ago we started collaboration by providing students with sessions with evidenced based curriculums such as "It's My Future" and "Economics for Success".

What is JA (Junior Achievement)?


This program's main focus to assist with Public Benefits Application, Employment Services, and Money Management.

What is CWF (Center for Working Families)?


This was assigned by the CSC as 20-2511.

What is LEAP High contract #?


During the Summer program referred to in our contract by "non school day", 1 billable unit of attendance is defined as this 

What are 6 hours of youth development activities? 


An internal referral made to this in particular, for a family who believes they are ready to stop renting and ready to purchase a home.

What is First Time Home Buyers?


Refers to where she was born, as the beautiful City of Miami.

Who is Chayaisha "Chai" Fullard?


This is our main funding source. Providing over a combined total of $2,754,500 for both U4T programs this upcoming SY 2021-2022

Who is the CSC (Children's Services Council)?


Empowering immigrants and others to become self-sufficient, productive and civically engaged.

What is HUF's mission?


The Military Academy is a magnet program at this school site

What is Hollywood Hills High?


During the After School program referred to in our contract by "afterschool day", 1 billable unit of attendance is defined as this

What are 2 hours of youth development activities?


This is included as the last part of the initial assessment and identifies significant information and issues that may impact service delivery.

What is an Integrated Summary?


Very versatile...has flown a helicopter!!

Who is Alexandra Moreno?


Through the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences  and the Family Nutrition Program facilitated these to Middle School youth and their families.

What are Nutrition Workshops?
